Case Studies SPREAD OF ISLAM. ISLAM INTO INDIA Turks became the third carrier of the faith. The Arabs and Persians led the initial transmission. Advantage.


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ISLAM INTO INDIA Turks became the third carrier of the faith. The Arabs and Persians led the initial transmission. Advantage of Turkish peoples as carriers of ideas? Initial conquest of India filled with social and cultural intolerance—Babur excerpt.

MALAWI IN INDIA Pattern of conversion to Islam Status in India—challenges to Hinduism? Demographics Contrasting Islam and Hinduism

SYNCRETIC BLEND Islam and Hinduism began to merge in India into something called “Sikhism”. Sikhism is based on the teachings of the blind Guru Nanak “There is no Hindu, and no Muslim, All are Children of God.” "Realization of Truth is higher than all else. Higher still is truthful living“ Monotheistic and Revealed Faith “faithful warriors” “Sahib”

ISLAM INTO ANATOLIA Large Christian population Heavy Greek influence Gradually eroded the once mighty Byzantine influence Constantinople fell after nearly 500 years of siege by the Ottoman Empire in 1453 By % of the region was Muslim Results very different from India…why?

DIFFERENCES WITH INDIA Smaller more homogenous population than India Destruction of indigenous religious power in the area—Christianity Byzantine Orthodoxy and “Caesaropapism”. Caste versus non-Caste state Respect for Christianity and Jewish faith—tolerance. Role of sufi missionaries Benevolent roles of Islam

ISLAM INTO WEST AFRICA Islam accompanied diverse traders—not one unified group as was the case in other situations Developed without the same “orthodoxy” Key point was acceptance of commerce Political organization was welcoming to local rulers African Islam began to develop—unwillingness of Arab and Persians to settle the area Ibn Battuta

THE AL-ANDALUS Conquered by Arab and Berber forces It didn’t overwhelm Christianity as it did in aging Byzantine state Magnificence of Cordoba “The Jewel of the World” “Mozarabs” Toleration eroded after the 10 th century Spain became a place known for religious intolerance (Inquisition) Abu Amir al-Mansur that rare historical example of intolerance—this ripped apart the Al- Andalus “The era of harmonious interaction between Muslim and Christians in Spain came to an end replaced by intolerance, prejudice, and mutual suspicion.” “Reconquista” became the goal of Europe