Welcome to the 16+ Learning Choices Partnership Forum NameLeaving Date NotesIntended Destination ActionAction Person Jacqui McCrea March 2011Is quite trying tries very hard Employmen t Prepare Transition Package to ensure mainstream ing of Agenda 16+LC Team
The Data Protection Act Data Sharing Permission; Opt- out; Consent to Share Data Sharing between Partners Data Transfer – the Password
Plans for New Garden Centre The Managing Director of North Berwick Garden Centre wants to open a new garden centre near Dunbar. It is hoped that 16 full time and 20 part time jobs will be created. The Garden Centre will also include a cafe and 150 car parking spaces. East Lothian Council will decide if the development should go ahead by September or October. East Lothian Courier If you would like more information on Labour Market Developments, click on the link below:
GIRFEC in 16+ Learning Choices DRAFT
3 stages of implementation Risk Matrix 16+ Offers and pupil destinations Flexible Learning Plan
Module in SEEMIS- page within Pastoral Notes Fields automatically completed where possible Scored to produce level of risk- Traffic Lights Staff have ability to alter score based on professional knowledge Risk decreases if transitional planning in place Will be available on SEEMIS during Autumn Term Each LA can adapt to suit Dependant on school staff using it
Red – Young person is extremely unlikely to source a destination Amber – Young person may not source a destination Young person may not be able to sustain a destination Young person may need additional support in sourcing and / or sustaining their destination and we can provide this support Green – Young person is very likely (about 90%) of sourcing and sustaining a destination no actions are required
Like-for-like Comparison Compared with the follow-up carried out in March 2009, March 2010 showed a 1% increase in EL young people in positive destinations The national trend was an increase of 1.1% compared to the same time last year thus we are improving at the national rate. The national figure for yps in positive destinations in March 2010 was 85.1%; our figure was 83.3% thus whilst we are improving at the national rate, we are still behind in the total.
Sustainability over 9 Months Compared with the SLDR 2008/2009 collected in Sept 09 – for which this was a follow up – we have a 0.1% decrease in yps in a positive destination (83.4% in Sept 2009; 83.3% in March 2010) The national trend showed a decrease of 0.6% in yps in a positive destination from September 2009 to March 2010 thus we are 0.5% above the national trend regarding sustainability (again, our total remains lower but our rate of sustainability is higher).
Visits with Community Learning and Development with a specific, personalised learning or skills development outcome Enterprise and Employability Study in School Personal Development Self and Work (Vocational Project) Aus Preparing for Work Working with Others Enterprise Activity
1. General visits for everyone (mix of one-off and repeat visits) e.g. - careers service - the job centre - careers conventions - further education providers (e.g. Jewel & Esk, Telford, Stevenson) - training providers (Rathbone, The Skills Centre, Bridges) 2. Individual visits (as appropriate) e.g. - one-off visits to local employers (e.g. local electricians, mechanics, printers, hotels, shops, childcare, hairdressers, East Lothian council) - extended work experience from January for a few months - local universities 3. Other community based activities to develop valuable knowledge and skills for life, learning and work e.g. outdoors team building/problem solving exercises, local surveys, organising and running fundraising activities, money management sessions
Personal Development: Self and Work Outcome 1 Evaluate own task management skills in preparation for a vocational project. Outcome 2 Produce a plan for the development of own task management skills within a vocational project Outcome 3 Carry out the plan for the development of own task skills within a vocational project Outcome 4 Review progress on completion of a vocational project Preparing to Work Outcome 1 Review and evaluate own employability skills and personal attributes required for employment Outcome 2 Investigate employment opportunities and complete a job application for a specified employment opportunity Outcome 3 Demonstrate an understanding of employability skills and personal attributes in relation to job selection methods and performance in an interview Outcome 4 Demonstrate an understanding of the employability skills and personal attributes required to successfully maintain employment.
Sign up the 16+ Learning Choices Blog Arrange hub Meetings and send Jacqui dates for the blog Arrange a September hub meeting to get talking about the unemployed, the unknowns and some of our ‘school pupils’ Share all 16+LC with Guidance (especially RAG) and the blog when you’re ready: the sooner the better Start Zipping up files Send Jacqui any info you have on what your school’s privacy agreement is Sign Data Sharing Agreement Drop me a line on how many unexpected returners you have Let me know if you have any S7s Give me any other comments you have! The blog; the scheme of work; school returners; the winter leavers; the whole process and don’t forget Nimbus!!!