Nominative:Subjects Genitive: “OF” Phrases Dative: “To” or “For” Living Being Accusative: Direct Objects, preps with action/non sid space preps Ablative: SID SPACE, Time, Manner, Means
Antonius is the brother of Marcia
I give the book to Portia.
She went to school with Marcus.
We play in the fields of Cornelius.
Antonius puts on a new tunic.
Then he walks to the Forum.
Did you buy that cat for mater?
Flavius praises his slaves.
Geta does not fear the vilicus.
I want to give Marcus’ book to father who is in the house.
Post ludum, omnes dormiunt.
Epistulam longam patri mitto.
Amica Corneliae Flavia est.
Longissima via in Italiā erat Via Appia.
Patrem et matrem Marcus timet.