Complementary Infinitives By: John Luke DeStefano.


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Presentation transcript:

Complementary Infinitives By: John Luke DeStefano

Infinitives- to expand or to complete verbs. are e e i Indicates Infinitive Infinitives Natural State of verb Takes place no time in action

Singular and Plurals verbs endings Singular endingsPlural endings 1 st Person- Ego-o-nos 2 nd Person- Tu-s-vos 3 rd Person-is ea id -tEi Eae -nt Ea SingularPlural 1 st PersonI loveWe love 2 nd PersonYou love 3 rd PersonHe Loves She They love Ex: love

Examples The words “Sextus vult” meaning Sextus wants doesn’t complete the whole thought. We do not know what Sextus wants. To complete the idea you can use this example: Sextus abores ascendere vult. Sextus wants to climb trees. Here, vult is completed by the infinitive ascendere, which itself takes the D.O. abores Infinitive ending Infinitives complete the meaning of the word vult or timet. When they are used in this way it is called complementary infinitive.