Nominative (the subject) The subject performs the verb action. Nouns have to AGREE with verbs  Singular nouns use singular verbs  Plural nouns use plural.


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Presentation transcript:

Nominative (the subject) The subject performs the verb action. Nouns have to AGREE with verbs  Singular nouns use singular verbs  Plural nouns use plural verbs Latin is an INFLECTED language: changing the inflection at the end of a word changes how it is used in the sentence. In Latin word order is less important than the inflected endings

Singular vs Plural Singular subjects have singular verbs  1 st declension ends in –a  2 nd declension ends in –us or –r  3 rd declension has various endings Plural subjects have plural verbs  1 st declension ends in –ae  2 nd declension ends in –i  3 rd declension ends in -es

The Nominative endings: DECLENSION1 st 2 nd 3 rd SINGULAR-a-us, -r? PLURAL-ae -i -es

Nominative Subjects and complements both use the nominative case.  Aqua in piscin ā est frigida.  Cornelius est senator Romanus.  Mater est laeta. When the nominative comes after a form of the verb “to be” it is called a PREDICATE NOMINATIVE

Accusativum (aka Obiectum) The direct object receives the action of the verb. I know you. The singular accusative ends in an –m.  1 st declension ends in –am.  2 nd declension ends in –um.  3 rd declension ends in –em. Plural accusative always ends in an –s.  1 st declension ends in –as.  2 nd declension ends in –os.  3 rd declension ends in –es.

Describe these pictures in as much detail as you can, using the nominative and accusative cases.

Casus Genitivus Used to show possessor --ae / -arum = 1 st declension --i / -orum = 2 nd declension --is / -um = 3 rd declension Translate “of” or with apostrophe It must be next to the noun it possesses (usually follows it). Must be learned for vocabulary TTells what declension a noun is SShows the base of the word

Describe in detail one of these pictures using genitives, both singular and plural, from all three declensions.

filia, fili, f., daughterae Nominative (usually singular) Genitive (usually singular) 1.Tells us what declension the noun is -ae = 1 st declension -i = 2 nd declension -is = 3 rd declension 2.By dropping this ending, we know what the base of the noun is. Gender English meaning filius, fili, m. sonisoror, soror, f. sisteris mater, matr, f. mother

Casus Ablativus Is used with Latin prepositions  e / ex  Sub  in  cum Can be used without a Latin preposition (“naked ablative”). Translate using “by”, “with”, “from”, or “in”.

Casus Ablativus Nudus Naked Ablatives: by, with, from,in Means / instrument: answers Latin question Quo instrumento? The tool the subject uses goes in the ablative case without a preposition. Time: answers Latin question Quando? Tells when the action of the sentence takes place.

Ablatives tell us: Where (using prepositional phrases) Davus in foss ā stat. Geta e vill ā effugit. What time (naked ablative) Brevi tempore Cornelia est defessa. Cornelia in vill ā aestate habitat. What was used (naked ablative) Pueri puellas vocibus terrent. Marcus lupum ramo repellit. In what manner the action was done. Davus magn ā voce clamat.

Describe these pictures using ablatives of tool, time, and with prepositions.

Praepositiones Prepositional phrases usually describe physical location or movement direction. Prepositions are used with only two cases: ablative and accusative. Most prepositions “take” the accusative. The ones we have learned are ad, per, prope, and in (“into”). There are only 9 prepositions that “take” the ablative. The ones we have learned are sub, e/ex, and in (“in / on”), cum. In a sentence, keep the preposition and it’s noun next to each other.

Write sentences about these pictures using as many prepositional phrases as you can. Praepositiones ablativo serviunt. e / ex sub cum in Praepositiones accusativo serviunt. prope per in ad

Vocative Case Is used when calling someone by name. It’s endings are identical to the nominative except for the 2 nd declension singular:  -us nouns have a vocative ending of –e.  -ius nouns have a vocative ending of –i. Watch your verb endings in sentences with vocatives. The subject of the sentence could be “you” or “y’all”.

The vocative case is used when directly addressing someone by name. 1.Quid facis, Flavia? 2.Quid facitis, ancillae? 3.Abite, molesti pueri! 4.Cur nihil facitis, servi ignavi! 5.Pater! Nuntius in vill ā est! 6.Senatores! Tempus est ad urbem redire. 7.Cave, Sexte! Descende, Sexte! 8.Scribisne epistulas, Corneli? What other case has endings identical to the vocative? Can you spot the exception?

Miscellania All nouns have gender: masculine, feminine, and we will learn neuter at a later date Nouns we have met fall into 3 declensions Adjectives have to have the same gender and number as the noun they modify.  Pater occupatus  Ancillae strenuae  Servi defessi

Verbum Verba have singular and plural endings. They change number according to their subject. They can be transitive and take a direct object. Intransitive verbs cannot take a direct object, so don’t even look for one!

Personal Endings Latin uses personal endings on its verbs instead of separate pronoun subjects as English does. The Latin personal endings correspond to the same pronoun subjects that English uses. A Latin verb has its subject built in to the verb. It is not necessary to have a subject noun or pronoun for a Latin sentence. But most importantly….READ A LATIN VERB BACKWARDS! I you he/she/it we y’all they -m or –o -s -t -mus -tis -nt consulimus = we consultnos

Read a Latin verb “backwards” induimus= we put on excitas=youawaken intratis= y’all enter mus s tis

o mus nt tis t s mus s ts tis

Do you remember these categories of verbs? Let’s give them names. portāre porto portas portat portamus portatis portant timēre timeo times timet timemus timetis timent surgere surgo surgis surgit surgimus surgitis surgunt arripere arripio arripis arripit arripimus arripitis arripiunt audire audio audis audit audimus auditis audiunt Which conjugation / category do the following verbs follow? excitāre, conspicere, docēre, agere, induere, intrāre, venire? 1 st conjugation 2 nd conjugation 3 rd conjugation 3 rd – i conjugation 4 th conjugation

Imperatives The special verb form to give a command is called an imperative. The imperative verb has no subject (“you” understood). Singular imperatives are used when giving a command to one person. IImperatives singular are formed by dropping the –re off the infinitive form. Plural imperatives are used when giving a command to two or more people. IImperatives plural are formed in the 1 st, 2 nd, & 4 th conjugations by adding –te to the singular form. IImperatives plural in the 3 rd conjugation end in –ite.

Infinitivum Can never be the only verb in a sentence. It is usually introduced by verbs such as:  vult  potest  necesse est  amat  timet  parat It is called complementary because it completes the meaning of the sentence. Cornelius multas epistulas scribere vult.

Write a story about this picturing using the following guidelines: Tell the story from the viewpoint of one of the characters, using “I”, “we”, and “you” verbs. Include at least one genitive Include three uses of the ablative: 1.Ablative with a Latin preposition 2.Ablative of time (naked abl) 3.Ablative of tool (naked abl) Include the following vocabulary: amicusfero, ferre invenio, inveniretraho, trahere bonus, bonamiser, misera absum, abestarea quamquamcum ursus, ursi, m. bear porcellus, porcelli, m. piglet Ior, ioris, m. Eyore tigris, tigris, m. tiger