Action Learning Programme Project Khaedu Social Welfare – Empangeni/Ngwelezane Project Khaedu Social Welfare – Empangeni/Ngwelezane November 3 rd 2005
Agenda Executive summary Situation Complications Some suggestions
Executive summary and key message Social security can significantly improve its grant application process, but needs to decentralise. Social Welfare Services is critically short of key resources and could consider devolving some of the functions in order to cope. The disability grant is clearly readily abused and a new approach is needed to control fraud Ngwelezane Social Welfare office is handling a large and growing number of clients but the over complex separation of process between District and Region greatly hampers efficiency as does shortage of basic tools of the trade. With disability grants a new approach is needed if fraud is to be curtailed.
Situation Social security can significantly improve its grant application process, but needs to decentralise. Social Welfare Services is critically short of key resources and could consider devolving some of the functions in order to cope. Two serious backlogs are building in disability grant process; namely; backlog crisis in the office and backlog crisis at Ulundi Backlog in the office caused mainly by long fragmented and duplicative process Statistics for Ngwelezane Office seem to indicate a marked increase in numbers of applications for disability grants There is a growing crisis in Foster Care Grant applications, e.g. average number of applications per month is 113, 38 are granted, while about 56 reports are finalised by Social Workers There is only one vehicle in working order for used by 9 Social Workers Communication with applicants is totally inadequate, e.g. the ‘notice’ board at Social Welfare. Our citizens are unhappy with overall time taken by the process, a situation probably exacerbated by lack of ablution facilities, but are reasonably happy with the quality of service received Staff morale appears relatively low with major issues regarding training, career progression, conditions of work and lack of resources
The majority of grant applications are for child support and disability
Two serious backlogs are building in disability grants Backlog crisis in the Office Backlog crisis at Ulundi Average volumes per month
Partly driven by an apparent increase in applications Average backlog is 200 per month
…and a high rate of renewals relative to other areas…
…and over 10% of the population seem to be ‘disabled’ – Basic Income Grant by default? Annual applications Balance of population aged 18-65
But the single biggest factor is the current disability grant application process is long, complicated, fragmented and duplicative Applican t referral letter to a Dr. & Surgeon Messenger collects referral letters from Surgeon Registration of referral letter & paste against the wall 2 nd Attesting Officer: Check, verify Issue a receipt 3 rd Attesting Officer: Check, verify & signs of for capturing Data Capturer Check, verify & capture data electronically Files moved to registry Files batched & moved to RO for approval Two weeks 1st Attesting Officer Fill application forms (manually) File opened Applicant told to return in 3 months Clerk: Check & verify documentation Take finger prints Go Back home Files moved backed to registry with award letters File to enrolment officer Applicant returns to enquire if approval granted Applicant queues for enrolment officer Enrolment officer logs approval Applicant to CPS officer for payment card Beneficiar y leaves to collect payment Currently 3-6 months Applicant checks his/ her name against wall list Enquiries Check & Verify Issue application forms Yes No? Actual time taken to complete: 35 min Waiting period: 1hr: 35 min Total period: 2hr: 10m
In addition, the time taken to process a grant varies enormously creating major uncertainty for clients The ‘Tail of Frustration’ Theoretical ‘lapse’ point No. of awards Months since applied
There is similarly a growing crisis in Foster Care Grants.. Average Applications per month HUGE and growing backlog
..and the current foster care grant application process again plays a major part Applican t arrives and sits in queue Intake Interviews, checks and refer to Area Social Worker. Open the file. Conduct Investigatio n Magistrate enquiry Court Order Refer to Social Security to apply for grant 1 st Attesting Officer: Check & Verify Clerk fills the form on behalf of the applicant Files moved to electronic registration Report writing with findings Applicant told to return in 3 months Open file and submit to Supervisor Check & Verify: Supervisor 2 nd Attesting Officer Check, Verify Receipt issue Payment initiated Files moved to registry Files batched and moved RO DO Registry Applicant returns to enquire if approval granted Applicant queues for enrolment officer Applicant to CPS officer for payment card Beneficiar y leaves to collect payment Currently 3-6 months Finger Prints taken Supervisor Verify Sign off: Capturing Data Capturer
…but as does the shortage of Social Workers and critically, their lack of working transport Only 1 vehicle in use for both offices Serving population > 400,000 Impacts on review of severely disabled people
The one working vehicle for 9 social workers…why bother to employ them?
Staff morale appears relatively low with major issues regarding training, career progression and facilities Very good Good OK Poor V. poor
Very good Good OK Poor V. poor Our citizens are unhappy with the overall time taken in the process and access to toilets but are reasonably happy with the quality of service received
Complication Social security can significantly improve its grant application process, but needs to decentralise. Social Welfare Services is critically short of key resources and could consider devolving some of the functions in order to cope. Two serious backlogs are building in disability grant; namely; backlog crisis in the office and backlog crisis at Ulundi Backlog in the office caused mainly by long fragmented and duplicative process But also over 10% of the population seem to be “disabled” – basic Income Grant by default Versus census data on disabilities for Ngwelezane we seem to have many more applications A growing crisis in Foster Grants backlog, e.g. average application per month is 113, report finalized 56, and 38 granted Growing backlog is also the result of both a long fragmented and duplicative process Only one working vehicle for 9 social workers-why bother to employ them The time taken to process a grant varies enormously creating major uncertainty for clients, e.g. 3 months theoretical ‘lapse’ and the tail of frustration Communications are an issue, e.g. the ‘notice’ board at Social Welfare. The notices are only in a rough date order making the search a lengthy process Our citizens are unhappy with overall time taken in the process and access to toilets, but are reasonably happy with the quality of service received Staff morale appears relatively low with major issues regarding training, career progression and facilities Situation Batching and movement of files causes severe backlogs. Physical facilities leave a lot to be desired as the corridors are narrow and crowded and some functions are outside. Physical facilities leave a lot to be desired… who is the service provider here? Communication with clients is inadequate Complication
Batching and movement of files causes severe backlogs
Physical facilities leave a lot to be desired as the corridors are narrow and crowded and some functions are outside Queue for checking
Physical facilities leave a lot to be desired…who is the service provider here? These are maggots
The ‘notice board’ at Social Welfare Notices of Doctors report receipts posted onto the garage wall
The notices are only in a rough date order making the search a lengthy process
Social security can significantly improve its grant application process, but needs to decentralise. Social Welfare Services is critically short of key resources and could consider devolving some of the functions in order to cope. Many of our clients could be reached using an automated SMS system Over 40% of our clients have bank or post Office accounts, but only 12% of our clients use them for direct deposit of their grants But only 24% would like to have money deposited directly-even if the account was free, however, the value of a concerted drive to use a subsidised bank account is huge Disability: Shorten processes (integrated RO &DO) and time taken for referrals Needs an independent Risk Management role to curtail large scale abuse. Forster Equip the social workers and consider “grant” principle, i.e. reverse burden of proof Shorten the whole district/region process Suggestion
Many of our clients could be reached using an automated SMS system
Over 40% of our clients have bank or Post Office accounts… But only 12% of our clients use them for direct deposit of their grants Yes No
…but only 24% would like to have money deposited directly - even if the account was free “The bank is too far from me” “I prefer to receive my money in cash” “The cash payout is where we meet people” “I would like to have it deposited directly, how do we do that?” Yes No
…however, the value of a concerted drive to use a subsidised bank account is huge Annual Savings - Rands Thousands* Increase in direct deposit over existing 12% *Assumes R7.50 subsidy p.m. paid to bank or Post Office for a Mzansi account for each client
But, the overall processes in disability and Foster need a radical redesign Cut non-value adding processes Decentralise approvals by integration of District and Regional functions Introduce a risk management system: -Fraud and corruption
Non-value-adding and duplicative steps can be removed Applican t referral letter to a Doctor. & Surgeon Messenger collects referral letters from Surgeon Registration of referral letter & paste against the wall 2 nd Attesting Officer: Check, verify Issue a receipt 3 rd Attesting Officer: Check, verify & signs of for capturing Data Capturer Check, verify & capture data electronically Files moved to registry Files batched & moved to RO for approval Two weeks 1st Attesting Officer Fill application forms (manually) File opened Applicant told to return in 3 months Clerk: Check & verify documentation Take finger prints Go Back home Files moved backed to registry with award letters File to enrolment officer Applicant returns to enquire if approval granted Applicant queues for enrolment officer Enrolment officer logs approval Applicant to CPS officer for payment card Beneficiar y leaves to collect payment Currently 3-6 months Applicant checks his/ her name against wall list Enquiries Check & Verify Issue application forms Yes No? Actual time taken to complete: 35 min Waiting period: 1hr: 35 min Total period: 2hr: 10m
…simplifying and shortening the process Applicant referral letter to a Doctor. & Surgeon Messenger collects referral letters from Surgeon Approval SMS Client 1 st Attesting Officer Fill application forms (manually) Select payment method File opened Clerk: Take finger prints Issue with award letters File to enrolment officer Applicant returns to enquire if approval granted Applicant queues for enrolment officer Enrolment officer logs approval Method of payment Applicant to CPS officer for payment card Beneficiar y leaves to collect payment 2 weeks Help Desk or Enquiries Check & Verify Issue application forms Actual time taken to complete: 20 min Waiting period: 35 min Total period: 55min
In Foster Grants non-value-adding and duplicative steps can also be removed Applican t arrives and sits in queue Intake Interviews, checks and refer to Area Social Worker. Conduct Investigatio n Magistrate enquiry Court Order Send to Ulundi for registration 1 st Attesting Officer: Check & Verify Clerk fills the form on behalf of the applicant Files moved to electronic registration Report writing with findings Applicant told to return in 3 months Open file and submit to Supervisor Check & Verify: Supervisor 2 nd Attesting Officer Check, Verify Receipt issue Payment initiated Files moved to registry Files batched and moved RO DO Registry Applicant returns to enquire if approval granted Applicant queues for enrolment officer Applicant to CPS officer for payment card Beneficiar y leaves to collect payment Currently 3-6 months Finger Prints taken Supervisor/ Verifier: Sign off for Capturing Data Capturer
…simplifying and shortening the process Applicant arrives, enquire and sits in queue. Intake Interviews, checks and refer to Area Social Worker. Area Social Worker: Approved in principle (Grand- mother & child) Magistrate: Enquiry & Court Order Supervisor: Checking & Approval by Clerk: Finger Prints 1 st Attesting Officer: Check & Verify and signs off for Capturing Files moved to electronic registration Social Worker: Subsequent iinvestigation by Social Worker Files moved to registry Applicant queues for enrolment officer Applicant to CPS officer for payment card Beneficiar y leaves to collect payment Could be 1 day Files moved to registry
In addition, these areas should also be addressed Vehicles for Social Workers : contract vehicles versus review of the current subsidy protocol Physical layout – review need for broken spaces End toilet contract and re-tender Review actual staffing norms versus current complement Staff development – concentrate on computer literacy on SOCPEN Thoroughly investigate the role of the Private Doctors in the process, replace with full time employees versus increase remuneration versus other options such as increased use of professional nurses in clinics IT infrastructure – increase SOCPEN access as process decentralized Put in place regional Monitoring and Evaluation capability particularly with regard to Disability grants Additional inputs: Improve salary bands and career progression