January 27, Division of Parole and Probation Bernard W. Curtis, Chief Tony DeCrona, Deputy Chief Kim Madris, Deputy Chief Tony DeCrona, Deputy Chief Kim Madris, Deputy Chief Northern Command Southern Command Northern Command Southern Command Nevada Department of Public Safety
January 27, PSI Update As of September 18, 2013, the Southern Command made a commitment that no in-custody case will be continued or calendared for more than 30 days out and that if a continuance is needed for an in-custody case, a detailed continuance letter will be forwarded to the court. Overtime and/or comp time has been provided to court services staff to ensure that in-custody cases are not continued and that out-of-custody cases will not be continued more than once. Other trained staff, including sworn personnel, who have been trained in writing PSIs have been reassigned to court services to work on the backlog. PSIs in Las Vegas are being sent to headquarters in Carson City to be completed by personnel that are trained to write PSIs. The Southern Command has asked the district courts to reduce the number of PSIs for gross misdemeanors and Category E felonies until the backlog has significantly reduced. The Division has worked with the Budget Office to overlap current positions and temporarily hire 21 new positions to help reduce the PSI backlog. Custody status is now verified by the Division three times: when the case is received, prior to the completion of a continuance letter, and lastly prior to e-filing the continuance letter in Odyssey. Since the last ACAJ meeting in October, the Division has implemented the following to address the backlog of PSIs:
January 27, PSI Work Program The Division has submitted a work program for the February 6, 2014 Interim Finance Committee to address the following: The continuation of 21 temporary positions to help reduce the PSI backlog 18 positions in Las Vegas 15 positions started on 1/21/14; 3 are waiting for background checks 15 positions started on 1/21/14; 3 are waiting for background checks 2 positions in Reno 1 position will start on 2/3/14; 1 is waiting for a background check 1 position will start on 2/3/14; 1 is waiting for a background check 1 position in Elko Waiting for a background check Waiting for a background check Adding $34,560 for contract staff to write PSIs
January 27, Current PSI Information As of January 7, 2014, the Division had a backlog of 1,246 PSIs in the Southern Command; there is no backlog in the Northern Command. The Division is projecting a backlog in Northern Command with the March 1 st, 2014 implementation of providing PSIs 14 working days prior to the offender’s sentencing date