(modified for the use of AgilEFant project and LC2.0. group by Touko Vainio-Kaila from the original slides of Jarno Vähäniitty) Helsinki University of Technology Software Business and Engineering Institute (SoberIT) Cycles of Control – some basics concepts to get familiar with AgilEFant.
Time E.g. Daily builds, Status meeting a’la Scrum -What have you done? - What do you do next? - Any problems? Time horizon ≤ week Heartbeats (Backlog items and Tasks in AgilEFant) - Monitoring progress and synchronising the work with different practices
Iterations (Iteration in AgilEFant) Time Control Points - e.g. splitting the development work into “sprints” Doing – between the control points - Suitable increments of functionality - Freezing the requirements and resources work without constant interruptions (työrauha) - Fixed schedule, adjustable scope Planning – in the control points - Regular reflection of the situation at hand - Ending the previous iteration: status check & demonstration - Planning the following iteration 2-4 weeks, sometimes even less
Projects (Deliverable in AgilEFant) - e.g. grouping the iterations into release projects Time - Release criteria and goals - Iteration planning - Timing, initial goals, scope, themes - Resourcing - Investment and prioritisation - Roles and responsibilities Regular release rhythm, (from 3 to 6 months)
What about AgilEFant and all these concepts?
Cycles of Control concepts Features, things to do,”units of work”, are presented as backlog items. Backlog items are split to tasks that are more concrete units of things & work to do ”something to do, implement, …” usually for work load of about 4-14 hours (bigger thing should be splitten to smaller ones) Backlog items are stored in Backlogs (Iteration Backlog, Deliverable Backlog or Product Backlog) Iteration is a part of a Deliverable Deliverable belongs to a Product.