Report to the State Board of Higher Education Prepared by Office of the Chancellor Finance and Administration December 21, 2001 Part II: Capital Renewal / Deferred Maintenance Funding Strategies to Reduce the Backlog
OUS Total GSF in 2000 (18.2M GSF) Grouped By Construction Date into 5 Year Cohorts YEAR GSF
3 Summary of Findings E & GAuxiliariesTOTAL $40M $6M $46M $488M$67M$555M Backlog of DM Avg. Annual CR * *average over next 50 years, varies by year Current Needs:
E&G Only Deferred Maintenance by Subsystem Total DM = $488M
Oregon University System- E&G Deferred Maintenance by Campus
6 Funding Strategies for DM All approaches have 4 common steps 1. Assess the CR/DM needs 2. Build support 3. Identify Funding Strategies 4. Present Strategy to Legislators
7 Actions Taken to Date OUS Capital Program detail Updated Campus Master Plans Updated Facilities Renewal Baseline Study Presented to State Debt Advisory Commission
8 Actions Taken to Date 2001 Legislative Session OUS Goal: Sustained Funding for Annual Capital Renewal OUS Action: Requested full annual CR funding portion of DM Backlog Legislative Outcome: Approved $12 Million/year (4 th biennium in a row)
9 Actions Taken to Date 2001 Legislative Session OUS Goal: Reduce DM Backlog OUS Action: Sought Legislative support for G.O. Bond program for K-12, CCs, OUS, and OHSU Legislative Outcome: Support for major new ballot measures for issuance of G.O. Bonds - Seismic Rehab of Public Education- $500 Million - OHSU Opportunity Program- $200 Million
10 Common Funding Strategies Direct state appropriations Bonds or debt financing Student fees Maintenance Reserve Reallocation through cost reductions Dedicated Tax Business Tax Credits (BTC) – State program through Office of Energy
11 Proposed Funding Strategy Legislative Action Referral of general ballot measure to voters for approval of General Obligation (GO) Bond issuance. Purpose: Substantially reduce OUS DM Backlog over 10-year period. Bond amount:$500 Million Term of bonds:15-30 years Limited term of bonding authority (sunset): 10 yrs.
12 Recommendation Board approves the strategy and authorizes Chancellor and staff to test feasibility with prospective partners : - Governor candidates- Legislative candidates - Legislative leaders- Labor organizations - Business associations - Other stakeholders - Campus Alumni Desired Outcome: Gain support of Governor and Legislature for OUS Legislative Concept.
13 Timeline: 12/01Board approval of strategy & process; discuss Legislative Concept 2/02Chancellor’s status report to Board; Board reviews/approves Legislative Concept 4/02Chancellor submits Legislative Concept on behalf of Board 6 & 10/02Status reports to Board 2003 Legislative Session: Legislature approves bill referring ballot measure to voters 11/03General Election