2 KPA 1: Municipal Transformation and Organisational Development
3 KPA 1: Organisational Design District Local 1 Local 2 Local 3 Local 4 Total of posts in the approved organogram Total of filled posts % of filled posts of the approved organogram Alignment with IDP/Budget
4 KPA 1: Management District Local 1 Local 2 Local 3 Local 4 MM appointed MM signed performance contracts 2007/08 fy CFO appointed CFOs signed performance contracts 2007/08 fy Technical Manager appointed Technical Manager signed Performance Contracts
5 KPA 1: Management District Local 1 Local 2 Local 3 Local 4 LED Unit / staff appointed Total of section 57 Managers posts Total number of s57 managers posts filled Total number of s57 managers posts vacant
6 KPA 1: Employment Equity District Local 1 Local 2 Local 3 Local 4 Total number of Woman Municipal Manager appointed in the district Number of woman appointed in S57 Manager posts against total s57 managers Employment Equity Targets for 2007/08 approved % of woman employed in the total personnel staff
7 KPA 1:PMS District Local 1 Local 2 Local 3 Local 4 PMS revised in line with PM regulations Have all s57 managers signed performance agreements for 2007/08 fy 2006/07 annual performance reviews conducted Total Budget used to pay 2006/07 Performance Bonus to S57 managers Submission of Performance Agreements MEC by 31/08/07
8 KPA 1: IDP District Local 1 Local 2 Local 3 Local /08 IDP adopted in 31 May 2007 SDF Approved LUMS 2008/09 IDP/Budget Review scheduled approved by the 31 August 2007
9 KPA 2: Water Supply District Local 1 Local 2 Local 3 Local 4 Local 5 Total of HH in the Number of hh served Backlog remaining 2007/08 Target Progress made to date 2008/09 Target
10 KPA 2 : Basic Service Delivery and Infrastructure Development
11 KPA 2: Water and Sanitation Schools District Local 1 Local 2 Local 3 Total number of schools Number of schools supplied with water Number of school remain to be serviced 2007/08 Target 2007/08 progress to date 2008/09 Target 2009/10 Target
12 KPA 2: Water and Sanitation Clinics District Local 1 Local 2 Local 3 Total number of clinics Number of clinics supplied with water and sanitation Number of clinics remaining to be serviced 2007/08 Target 2007/08 progress to date 2008/09 Targets 2009/10 Targets
13 KPA 2: Water Supply District Local 1 Local 2 Local 3 Total number of hh Total number of hh served Backlog hh still to be served Target for 2007/ /08 Progress to date 2008/09 Targets 2009/10 Targets
14 KPA 2:Water Supply 2010 District Local 1 Local 2 Local 3 Total number of hh Total number of hh served Backlog hh still to be served Target for 2007/ /08 Progress to date 2008/09 Targets 2009/10 Targets
15 KPA 2: Electricity 2012 District Local 1 Local 2 Local 3 Total number of hh Total number of hh served Backlog hh still to be served Target for 2007/ /08 Progress to date 2008/09 Targets 2009/10 Targets 2010/ /2012
16 KPA 2: Solid Waste 2013 District Local 1 Local 2 Local 3 Total number of hh Total number of hh served Backlog hh still to be served Target for 2007/ /08 Progress to date 2008/09 Targets 2009/10 Targets 2010/ / /2013
17 KPA 2: Roads Infrastructure District Local 1 Local 2 Local 3 Roads Infrastructure backlog % of total value of roads Infrastructure Planned 2007/08 % of total value of roads infrastructure progress to date % of total value of roads infrastructure maintenance planned for 2007/08 % of total value maintenance progress made to date
18 KPA 2: Community Facilities District Local 1 Local 2 Local 3 Sports and recreation facilities planned 2007/08 Sports and Recreation Progress to date Public facilities planned 2007/08 Public facilities progress to date
19 KPA 2: Housing District Local 1 Local 2 Local 3 Housing Chapter included in the 2007/08 IDP Housing Beneficiary list Potential Housing development land identified Housing By-Laws Passed in line with BNG strategy Number of informal settlements to be formalised
20 KPA 2: EPWP District Local 1 Local 2 Local 3 Number of project undertaken in EPWP during the 2006/07 fy Number of jobs created through the EPWP projects 2006/07 FY Number of EPWP projects registered for the 2007/08 fy Number of jobs targeted to be created 2007/08 fy
22 KPA 3: LED District Local 1 Local 2 Local 3 Local 4 Local 5 Is the district Growth & Development summit implementation plan aligned with the PGDS, NSDF & SDF’s. LED anchor projects arising from the Growth & Development summit implementation plan. Number of created through LED.
23 KPA 3: LED District Local 1 Local 2 Local 3 Local 4 Local 5 Alignment of the District LED strategy with Local Municipalities LED Strategies.
24 KPA 4: Financial Viability and Management
25 KPA 4: MUNICIPAL FINANCIAL VIABILITY District Local 1 Local 2 Local 3 Local 4 Local 5 % revenue collection 2006/07 from rates % revenue collection target for 2008/07 % value in respect of increase in revenue collection. % Value in respect of debt reduction
26 KPA 4: MUNICIPAL FINANCIAL VIABILITY District Local 1 Local 2 Local 3 Local 4 Local 5 Date of submission of financial statements. Number submitted later than 31/08/07. Total infrastructure budget 2007/08. Total capital budget 2007/08
27 KPA 4: MUNICIPAL FINANCIAL VIABILITY AUDIT REPORTS District Local 1 Local 2 Local 3 Local 4 Local 5 Unqualified Qualified Adverse Disclaimer
28 KPA 4: MUNICIPAL FINANCIAL VIABILITY District Local 1 Local 2 Local 3 Local 4 Local 5 Municipalities with revenue enhancement strategy. % value on revenue enhancement targets. Total MIG allocation. MIG expenditure value. MIG expenditure as a % of total MIG funds allocated.
29 KPA 4: MUNICIPAL FINANCIAL VIABILITY District Local 1 Local 2 Local 3 Local 4 Local 5 Municipalities that have adopted a rates policy. Municipalities that have compiled valuation rolls. Municipalities with established audit committees. Municipalities that make use of a “shared services” audit committee
30 KPA 4: MUNICIPAL FINANCIAL VIABILITY District Local 1 Local 2 Local 3 Local 4 Local 5 Establishment of Internal Audit Unit Municipalities with adopted anti- corruption policy. Municipalities with an adopted supply chain management policy. Establishment of budget and treasury offices.
31 KPA 4: Good Governance and Public Participation
32 KPA 5: GOOD GOVERNANCE District Local 1 Local 2 Local 3 Local 4 Local 5 Number of councillors undergone training provided by SALGA, LOGOLA or recognized institution. Number of established ward committees. Number of functional ward committees. Budget and administrative support for ward committee
33 KPA 5: GOOD GOVERNANCE District Local 1 Local 2 Local 3 Local 4 Local 5 Number of CDW’s deployed. Number of traditional Leaders undergone training. Number of district Traditional Houses established.
34 KPA 5: FUNCTIONALITY OF DISTRICT IGR STRUCTURES District Local 1 Local 2 Local 3 Local 4 Local 5 Number of District Mayors Forum meetings held 2006/07. Number of District Municipal Managers Forum meetings held 2006/07. Planned 07/08 schedule of District IGR Forum. Planned 07/08 schedule of District MM Forum. Establishment of district clusters.
35 KPA 5: GOOD GOVERNANCE District Local 1 Local 2 Local 3 Local 4 Local 5 Number of ordinary and special Council sitting. Functionality of Mayoral committee & portfolio committee Community satisfaction surveys Functional complaint management systems.
36 KPA 5: GOOD GOVERNANCE District Local 1 Local 2 Local 3 Local 4 Local 5 Municipal website functional and updated.
37 Cross Cutting Issues
38 Disaster Management District Local 1 Local 2 Local 3 Local 4 Disaster Management Framework approved Disaster Management Plans approved Disaster Management Centre established and functional Disaster Management Head appointed
39 Presidential Imbizos District Local 1 Local 2 Local 3 Local 4 Number of Presidential Imbizos held Number of Issues raised during the Presidential Imbizos Number of Issues raised during the Presidential Imbizo resolved
40 Provincial Imbizos District Local 1 Local 2 Local 3 Local 4 Number of Provincial Imbizos held Number of Issues raised during the Provincial Imbizos Number of Issues raised during the Provincial Imbizo resolved
41 Local Imbizos District Local 1 Local 2 Local 3 Local 4 Number of Local Imbizos held Number of Issues raised during the Local Imbizos Number of Issues raised during the Local Imbizo resolved