Research Support Services UCH Facility Review Backlog Jennifer Holcomb
2 Background: Each facility use review & approval takes about 4 hours Submissions over FY 2013 year: Quarter# Submissions# ApprovalsMedianMean Q1119*not tracked Q Q Q
3 Submissions first Quarter FY 2014: Month# Submissions# ApprovalsMedianMean July August September Q Take Aways: Average submissions per month = work hrs per month Volume up over last 2 months ( work hrs needed) Increased volume at same time of process changes at UCH and UCD
4 Plans to address backlog: 1-Adding staff resources 2- Asking for identification of priority protocols (phase 1, competitive enrollment) so we can meet the most urgent needs first as we work the backlog. 3- Posting weekly status log for Pre-Approval and log for Pre- Activation (to help increase transparency and decrease e mail volumes)
5 The Research Community can HELP by: 1- Completing applications per instructions posted on web (include manuals and NCT numbers when required) 2- Following instructions for use of LIMITED REVIEW 3-
6 Current New Submission Statistics: (As of 10/8/2014 at 12:00 pm) 68 Protocols Submitted (8 not yet complete) Of the 60 completed Submissions: 9 completed PRIOR to Sept 2014 in “Dept Feedback required” 11 completed PRIOR to Sept 2014 in “Billing Plan Development” Anticipate Completing these 20 as priorities over the next 2 weeks.
7 Timelines: 1- Currently: Anticipate Studies with Applications Completed to have the following review and approval timelines- 2 days “received” 13 days “in review” 10 days “Department Feedback” 10 days “Billing Plan development 2- December: Return to Target of 3 weeks – 2 days “received” 7 days “in review” 7 days “Department Feedback” 5 days “Billing Plan Development”