Project Management Quality Management Getting Started
Things to Consider before getting Started Management Support Strong and Experienced Leader(s) Picking the right project as a proof point Providing the right education, tooling and governance Ability to allow change to occur Keep it Simple
Before Sprints Begin Release Planning: Product Backlog (Epic User Stories) Release Themes Release Backlogs (User Stories) Iteration/Sprint Planning Sprint Backlog Information Radiator
Release Planning Form User Story Team to create Product Backlog: Develop Release Themes Create Epic User Stories for each release Or: Create Epic User Stories for Product Put EUS into releases Define Release Themes
Release Backlog For Next (or next two) releases: Break Epic User Stories into User Stories (by User Story Team) Estimate the Story Points for each user story (by Cross-discipline Scrum Team) Scrum Team determines “Done, done, done” for each user story
Release Backlog For Next (or next two) releases: On 3x5 Sticky Notes: User Story Acceptance Criteria (record elsewhere) Business Value (High, Medium, Low) Differentiating or Parity Story Points
Release Backlog Prioritize based on: User stories of highest business value to stakeholders Risky user stories for development (technology challenges, size of work required, etc.) Installation working installer early in cycle allows all teams to move faster Migration often difficult to build, and is usually critical to customers
Risk can be an important deciding factor… AvoidDo First Do SecondDo Last Business Value Risk
What’s Business Value?
Benefits Value Calculation Costs calculation
Business Value Benefits Value Calculation Costs calculation
Business Value Guess Value Calculation Estimate calculation
Trust any help?
Market Differentiating High Low Mission Critical Low High
Market Differentiating High Low Mission Critical Low High Innovate
Market Differentiating High Low Mission Critical Low High Innovate Parity
Market Differentiating High Low Mission Critical Low High Innovate Parity Partner?
Market Differentiating High Low Mission Critical Low High Innovate Parity Partner? Who cares?
Business Value Purpose Value Calculation Costs and Benefits calculation
other considerations ?
time to market
Collaboration Model flexibility
team size and experience market uncertainty domain knowledge team capacity technical uncertainty external dependencies
Business Value Purpose Costs and Benefits Considerations
Purpose Value Calculation Costs and Benefits Considerations
resolve differences
group into high – medium - low
For every sprint …
Sprint Planning Identify a Sprint goal Select highest priority User Stories from Release Backlog to reach that goal Product Owner works with scrum team to select user stories from the product backlog for each iteration
Sprint Planning Team may want to break down stories into: Smaller User Stories Or Tasks (all tasks must be done to demo User Story) Place all sprint stories onto the Information Radiator under Work Planned column
Transaction Costs add what to make better decisions ?
at the end of the iteration
now you can ask…
Do we have enough business value to go to market?
Should we continue?
If so, what goes in the next iteration?
Agile Project Management Tips
Key Characteristics of Successful Agile Projects Short, Stable, Time-Boxed Iterations Stakeholder Feedback Self-Directed Teams Sustainable Pace
Agile Project Management Tips Expect the teams to over estimate in the first few sprints It will take about 5 sprints to develop a cadence Teams make take on too much after some time
Project Management How Do We Deliver? None of us are as smart as all of us. - Japanese Proverb
Leading Agile Collaboration Model Collaboration Process collaboration model
Project Management Quality Management create an open environment
fosters creativity and innovation, team commitment and ownership encourages ideas
fosters creativity and innovation, team commitment and ownership encourages ideas what makes it open ?
open environment right people
bring the right people together from the entire enterprise customers marketing sales finance technology manufacturing stakeholders
open environment right people foster innovation
Trustworthiness stimulate creativity through collaboration process
open environment right people foster innovation step back
and let them work
open environment right people foster innovation step back
Project Management Dependency Management collaboration process
agree to goals and objectives
group in silence
prioritize based on business value
Purpose Considerations Costs and Benefits Business Value Model
individuals volunteer for what and by when
team defines success
team decides how to hold each other accountable
Project Management Risk Management trust First !
Leadership Role Suspicion is a permanent condition. - Marcus Buckingham
fail early … fail fast fall forward remove all blame
free team to question, analyze and investigate
discovery the opposite of control is
Architecture Blueprint Outside-in Development Agile / Lean approaches Modeling and Componentization Fostering Communities and sharing Best Practices Discipline, adaptive development approaches Continuous stakeholder feedback to understand changing needs Time-boxed iterations Eliminate waste, increase visibility Tools, not Rules Community source Shared asset repository Best practices Common components Clearing House for dependency management Educate, Enable and Empower Lightweight central governance mechanisms Development Steering Committee Architectural Board Culture of sharing and reuse Developer Web site Centralized development services Sound Development Governance Principles Enable for Success Execute Agile / Lean for Productivity Guiding Principles for Software Development = = Best Practices
Practice Lean Principles Eliminate Waste Value Stream Maps Build Quality In Low Technical Debt Defer Commitment Set-Based Design Deliver Fast Queuing Theory Focus on Learning Product Process Respect People Teams Optimize the Whole Systems Thinking With Thanks to Mary & Tom Poppendieck
Project Management Quality Management Getting Started Summary
Agile Project Management Sources Agile Project Management, Jim Highsmith
Collaborative Leadership Sources
Agile Defined… Uses continuous stakeholder feedback to deliver high-quality, consumable code through user stories and a series of short, stable, time-boxed iterations.
Agile Is… Iterative, typically time-boxed as short iterations About frequent, even constant validation with stakeholders Highly-focused on mitigating risks Adaptive; comfortable with–and even embracing–change and reprioritization Communication-intensive (e.g., daily Scrums)
Agile Is… Aimed at making incremental progress: working software is the measure Deliberate about reflecting on what works and what doesn’t Disciplined, scaleable, and even workable across sites
Leadership Role A good agile project will build something that meets customers needs but may be different from original plans.
Leadership Role Agile is continuous learning and adaptive planning.
Agile Advantages Continuous and frequent delivery of working and valuable product features Adapt to changing requirements Daily and direct communication between business and development Teams work at a sustained pace Teams learn from their successes and failures Simplicity in design and execution
Iterate Timebox in which whole features of value are delivered Allows team to respond to changes in business Allows quicker realization of value from the project Provide feedback loops to measure progress Keeps project close to delivery Ensures that valuable functionality is developed first
Scrum on a Page Roles Product Owner Scrum Master Team Stakeholders Artifacts Meetings Product Backlog Release Backlog Sprint Backlog Blocks List Information Radiator Sprint Plan Meeting Daily Scrum Sprint Review Meeting Release Plan Meeting
Purpose Value Calculation Costs and Benefits Considerations
Agile References What Is Agile Software Development? Jim Highsmith, CrossTalk, the Journal of Defense Software Engineering The New Methodology, Martin Fowler Publications:
Agile Sources Pollyanna PIXTON