Vertical Residential Development A Solution to Accommodate Growing Population of Lahore A case study of Allama Iqbal Town Tauqeer Ahmed and Syed Shabih-ul-Hassan Zaidi Department of City & Regional Planning University of Engineering & Technology, Lahore
Outline Population of Pakistan and Lahore Urbanization Housing and its Backlog Factors effecting Housing Vertical Residential Development (VRD) Physical, Socio-Economic Effects of VRD VRD vs Row Housing Infrastructural Facilities Environmental Facets 4 A’s Proposed Density through VRD Conclusions and Recommendations
Population of Pakistan and Lahore Population, Area and Density Past Census Population and Growth Rate Present Scenario of Urbanization Income level and Earning Member per household Slums and Urban Sprawl
Urbanization and its Causes Increase in the proportion of the Urban population is called urbanization Three major causes are: Natural Increase Migration: Net Rural Urban Migration International Migration Expansion of Urban Areas
Consequences Physical Consequences Economic Consequences Social Consequences Planning Consequences
Housing and its Backlog Housing Stock and Supply Housing Backlog in Census and Past Master Plans Category 1998 2001 (Projected) Urban population in Lahore District 5,209,088 5,774,886 Houses required (assuming optimum HH* size of 6) 868,181 962,481 Existing housing stock 731,348 808,484 Housing backlog 136,833 153,997
Factors Effecting Housing High Price of Land Speculation of Land High Construction Cost Lack of Facilities in the Proposed Scheme Poor Building bye-laws and development control Origin-Destination Distance
VRD and its Benefits VRD means such a development which is reserved for the residence with high density. Benefits: Low Per Person Land and Infrastructure Cost Less Space to More People Low Development Cost Less Car Dependency Reducing Urban Sprawl
Physical and Socio-Economic Effects of VRD Physical Effects Environmental Facets (HAV) Socio-Economic Effects Privacy Security Social Interaction Infrastructure Facilities
Four A’s Acceptable Affordable Adoptable Achievable
VRD vs Row Housing Satisfaction Level towards Infrastructural Facilities Evaluation of Social aspects Opinion on Four A’s
Proposed Density through VRD Density for Low Income Flats Density for Middle Income Flats Proposed Density for Lahore
Conclusion Densification Unaffordable Housing Housing Shortage Public vs Private Housing Scheme Urban Sprawl No Building Period VRD fulfils Four A’s
Recommendations Impose Taxes High Density Public Private Partnership Energy Efficient Buildings CBO Community Facilities
VRD is a better solution to accommodate growing population of Lahore THANKS