John Sell March 17, 2009
Disaster Recovery Emergency Management Incident Control including all Press Releases Communication to all employees Temporary sites to continue operations Safety of employees Security of employees Security of Corporate procedures and documents
Project Initiation Information Acquisition Information Analysis Create Findings Document Senior Management Presentation
This must be top down driven This must include all managers and supervisors Everyone gets to have input Personnel must support the process Don’t forget to keep safety and security in mind
Determine Risk Financial Impact Customer/Operations Impact Legal or Regulatory Impact Personnel Requirements Recovery Time Objectives for Business Objectives Work Around Processes Work Backlog Processing Recovery Complexity for Business Units
Chemicals Flammable Products Earthquake Fire or Wildfires Floods Hazardous Materials Extreme Heat Hurricane Landslides Radioactive Materials Terrorism Severe Weather Tornado Tsunami Virus (Pandemic) Volcano/Ash Winter Storms Dependencies
Criticality LevelRecovery ObjectivePossible Recovery Method Level 1: The business process must be available during all business hours. > 2 hoursData replication Level 2: Indicates that the business function can survive without normal business processes for a limited amount of time. 2 hours to 24 hoursData shadowing Level 3: The business function can survive for one to three days with a data loss of one day. 24 to 72 hoursTape recovery at an off site facility Level 4: Business unit can survive without the business function for an extended period of time. 72 hours plusLow priority for tape recovery / rebuild infrastructure / relocate operations to a new facility
Surveys Interviews
Create priorities listings Disaster Recovery Points Return to Operation list Document the following items Critical Functions Critical systems Priority of Department Management
Create employee list Incident Management Teams Safety Teams Phone listings in priority Design Succession Plan for Management Determine Required Safety Requirements Create training schedules
Identify Critical Data Create listings of vendors Build Process and Procedure Documents Locate off site resources Determine alternate work offices
Above all after you create any plan TEST TEST TEST Review the results Correct any Short Falls Test it again
John Sell