pARA-R Sequence RFP Expression Sequence Biotechnology Lab Program Laboratory Protocols by: Marty Ikkanda Powerpoint by: Anthony Daulo Kristi Schramm Pierce College, Woodland Hills, CA V.1.2a.2 Bruce Wallace
pARA-R construct Recombinant plasmid of interest pARA-R BamH I Hind III rfp 702bp 4720 bp Bruce Wallace
Engineering the Plasmid: ligation of rfp gene into p-ARA sticky end BamH I sticky end Hind III sticky end BamH I sticky end Hind III Bruce Wallace
Restriction digest of pARA-R Recombinant plasmid of interest pARA-R BamH I Hind III rfp 702bp 4720 bp Bruce Wallace
Restriction analysis of pARA-R BamH I Hind III 702bp BamH I Hind III Restriction fragments after digest with Hind III and BamH I 4018 bp Bruce Wallace
Restriction analysis of pARA-R Prediction for restriction gel M A+ A M A+ A- Bruce Wallace
pARA-R construct Recombinant plasmid of interest pARA-R BamH I Hind III rfp 702bp 4720 bp Bruce Wallace
Preparing competent cells for transformation Lipid bilayer (inner) Lipid bilayer (outer) Peptidoglycan layer Adhesion zone Calcium ions Bruce Wallace
Transforming Escherichia coli with pARA-R Recombinant Plasmids Competent Cells pARA-R Bruce Wallace
Calcium ions pARA-R Transforming Escherichia coli with pARA-R Adhesion zone Lipid bilayer (inner) Lipid bilayer (outer) Peptidoglycan layer Bruce Wallace
Growth of transformed bacteria on various plates P+ plates P- plates LBLB/ampLB/amp/ara LBLB/amp No growth Bruce Wallace
Colony isolation and culture Preparing an overnight culture of E. Coli for RFP expression LB/amp/ara broth Bruce Wallace
RFP expression araC generfp geneP BAD Transcription mRNA Translation araC protein Bruce Wallace
RFP expression rfp geneP BAD araC protein araC gene araC protein prevents RFP transcription by causing a loop to form in the region of the fp gene r Bruce Wallace
RFP expression araC protein arabinose araC generfp geneP BAD arabinose – araC protein complex RNA polymerase Arabinose – araC protein complex prevents DNA looping and helps to align RNA polymerase on the promoter site (P BAD ). mRNA Transcription Translation RFP (red fluorescent protein) Bruce Wallace
RFP Bruce Wallace
RFP Bruce Wallace
Purification of RFP from an overnight culture Overnight culture Cell pellet with RFP Lysed cells Pellet cell debris RFP with binding buffer Bruce Wallace