Getting Certified In Consultant Selection Steps and Processes Diana Foster
Where we are going… What are the differences between A&E and Non-A&E consultant selection? What are the 14 steps to selecting A&E consultants? What other facts or stories that you need to know about?
Why Certify: Benefits Use own Quality Control Ability to use own guidelines and procedures Administer the consultant contract Reduce timeline for entire project Documented procedures saves $$$ Increases process efficiency Standardizes procedures Enables better cost & expectations forecasts
How to Become Certified: Requirements Adopt consultant selection procedures consistent with state and federal laws Score and rank proposals based on RFP requirements by independent evaluator RFP describes the scoring criteria Evaluation Panel selects best consultant/s Fair and Equitable No conflicts of interest
Differences: A&E vs. Non-A&E A&ENon-A&E Selection Process Qualification Based Selection (QBS) Cost can be Weighted in Qualifications Details Independent evaluator(s) ranks & scores consultants according to qualifications matching the RFP The top ranked consultant shall be selected to begin negotiations Pricing can only be addressed after selection has occurred Independent evaluator(s) ranks & scores consultants according to qualifications matching the RFP- cost can be a criterion Top ranked consultant shall be selected to begin negotiations Describe weighted importance of cost & other qualifications
Examples A&ENon-A&E Drafting support Preparation of Right of Way maps Work zone traffic control plans Determine & evaluation site geology Construction inspection Project design Aerial mapping control & cert. Accounting Auditing Counseling employees Fundraising Lobbying Policy development Air quality& noise studies Plan control of solid & hazardous waste Public meetings ** The LAG Manual Consultant Selection Chapter (Appendix) provides more examples.
The 14 Step Selection Process: Steps Identify & Define the Project ■STIP requirement 2.Determine Consultant Need & Project Phases ■LA’s QBS process ■ODOT’s two-tiered contracting process 3.Appoint Contract Administrator ■Ensures contract completion, accuracy & consistency ■Appropriate Record Retention
Steps 4-6: 4.Create Scope – determine deliverables & timelines ■SOW 5.Prepare Cost Estimate ■Past experiences ■Percent of cost of service relative to other similar total project costs 6.Formulate Selection Criteria ■Ranking and scoring ■Transparency of criteria weights ■Specialties & resources
Steps 7-8: 7.Identify DBE Program & Goals ■ODOT’s Office of Civil Rights ■Seek approval 8.Advertise & Solicit Bids for the RFP Major newspaper or technical publication Identify specialists Questions answered in writing or addendum up to a week before closing Cost Estimates A&E- at time of negotiations to determine fair & reasonable cost Non-A&E personal services- estimate of hours, fees and classifications
Steps 9-11: 9.RFP Protest Procedures 10.Closing the Solicitation Process Evaluation of proposals-- Pass/Fail Evaluation Panel 11.Screening & Selection Interviews Transparency Fair and equitable No conflicts of interest
Steps 12-14: 12.Consultant Selection & Negotiation Highest rank Negotiate on SOW & Compensation Refine scope of services and schedule Unable to negotiate -- move down qualification list successively 13.Award Written notice 14.Contract Administration Oversight of daily work Consultant submits invoices to LA for review LA remits payment LA requests ODOT reimbursement
Completed Project Debrief Ensure contract compliance & completion of work Final payment & release Evaluate performance and document
Tidbits of Information Importance of Agreement Clearly defined scope & statement of work Billing rates & classifications Independent contractor status & relationships