Kansas Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Conference Wind 2007 RFP Update John Grimwade - Sr. Director Strategic Planning and Development September 26, 2007
Page 2 About KCP&L
Page 3 KCP&L’s Comprehensive Energy Plan provides a balanced approach to meeting the region’s energy needs
Page 4 Spearville Wind Energy facility
Page 5 Comprehensive Energy Plan – Renewable Energy Additions KCP&L’s original plan had targeted for 200 MW of wind additions by the 2008 timeframe Through the collaborative workshops this amount was reduced in the base Comprehensive Energy Plan to 100 MW with a commitment for the stakeholders to consider a second 100 MW in 2008.
Page 6 KCP&L’s 2007 Wind RFP Multiple options were requested to address alternatives for location timing, quantity and ownership structure Both Kansas and Missouri sites were requested Minimum of 100 MW of wind powered generation to be on-line by October 1, 2008 Options for additional 300 MW of wind powered generation to be on-line by October 1, 2012 Asked for both PPA and Build/Transfer alternatives
Page 7 RFP Timeline Issue Press Release and RFP March 29, 2007 RFP’s due to KCPL June 15, 2007 RFP Evaluation Process June - August, 2007 Seek Regulatory and Stakeholder consensus September – October, 2007 Contract Negotiations September - October, 2007 Projected Construction Start Date 2Q, 2008 Projected Last Turbine On-line Date 4Q, 2008 Post 2008 Construction Activity Dependent Upon RFP Proposals
Page 8 KCP&L Received strong interest for projects to be completed in 2008 and from Missouri Proposals Received –Two proposals were received that offered a 2008 on-line date –Five proposals were received that offered a 2009 or later on-line date Kansas Proposals Received –Nine proposals were received that offered a 2008 or 2009 on-line date –Seven proposals were received that offered a 2009 or later on-line date
Page 9 Screening Methodology – 2008 On-line Proposals Preliminary Screening High Level Analysis – Evaluated all proposals based on multiple factors Assessed unacceptable risk for completion or operation of the project BTA Proposals – Moved to final screening evaluation if they passed the High Level Analysis PPA Financial Analysis – Ranked the PPA proposals from lowest cost to highest cost for proposals in each state then performed High Level Analysis Transmission Service Impact Analysis – KCPL hired an independent engineering firm to perform a load flow analysis on those proposals that were moved to the final screening evaluation process Final Screening – Using the financial and generational data provided in each proposal, along with the results of the transmission service impact analysis, a 20-year Net Present Value Revenue Requirements (NPVRR) analysis was performed to evaluate the impact of each proposal against a No Wind base case.
Page 10 The cost to install 100 MW of new wind capacity has increased 55% over 2003 cost estimates
Page 11 Financial Analysis of 2008 vs Projects
Page 12 Required Renewables Estimate - Missouri & Kansas Utility Under Bingaman Renewable Capacity Required Cap Factors) YearRPS %Retail LoadReq. Renew30%35%40%45%50% 20050%160,770, %166,356, %168,257, %172,555, %174,881, %178,013,0696,675,4902,5402,1771,9051,6931, %181,277,8436,797,9192,5872,2171,9401,7241, %184,466,3356,917,4882,6322,2561,9741,7551, %187,444,19914,058,3155,3494,5854,0123,5663, %190,491,24914,286,8445,4364,6604,0773,6243, %193,558,72014,516,9045,5244,7354,1433,6833, %196,381,88614,728,6415,6054,8044,2033,7363, %199,248,63422,415,4718,5297,3116,3975,6865, %202,165,46222,743,6148,6547,4186,4915,7705, %205,125,92823,076,6678,7817,5276,5865,8545, %208,132,72131,219,90811,88010,1838,9107,9207,128
Page 13 And the winner is???