Site License Advisory Team September 30, 2014 meeting
Agenda 1.Review of Autumn Semester Start 2.Red Hat Enterprise License 3.Autodesk License Update 4.RFP projects 1.Electronic Lab Notebook 2.Electronic Document Management 5.Licensing Opportunities 1.Survey Tools for Research 2.STATA 3.EndNote 6.Renewals and Upgrades 1.SAS 2.JMP 3.Maple 7.Adobe CC and MS SQL 2
Semester Start Review Marked by several problems: –MATLAB codes expired prematurely (123 incidents) –Minitab license server update did not work well (7 incidents) –Software download service was noticeably degraded Aug Sept. 17 (roughly, 150 incidents) –All issues fixed at this point 3
Red Hat Site Licensing is now actively assigning licenses –Place a request for access at Include: –Red Hat Account Number –Red Hat Account Username –Number of copies you require –Agreement covers all support at the university –Takes about 48 hours to transfer licenses 4
Autodesk Agreement expired on Sept. 7, 2014 Autodesk has changed their agreement –The product is “free for educational use” Universities get allotments of the free licenses SLS will manage these licenses –Facilities use is no longer free “Facilities Use” is any use that revolves around our facilities that is not done by a student or student employee learning a skill or engaged in a class 5
Autodesk OSU has received new serial numbers and product keys for Autodesk 2015 –We are not yet ready to distribute, but should be in early October –Previous version serial numbers may not work for new installations Working to determine if 2015 is available for Facilities use 6
Software RFP’s in Flight Electronic Lab Notebook OSU Purchasing is working with OCIO to finalize pricing and locate funding for ELN solution A vendor has been picked and we are working on the type of license we want to enter into; options include: –One-off purchases through eStores –A site-wide license for all units Expected completion in the next couple of months 7
Software RFP’s in Flight E-Document Management OSU Purchasing is working with OCIO to finalize pricing and locate funding for EDM solution Negotiating with vendors who have responded and are our top choices Project completion planned for June
Possible Site License Survey Tools for Research Current spend on survey tools is not small –Broken down between four primary vendors –Most transactions are on PCards OSU Purchasing is interested in RFP’ing this software –Current use is above the bid limit 9
Possible Site License STATA Licenses STATA is a statistical software product Almost $50K in spend in FY14 –If you use this software and are interested in a cost share, please contact OSU Purchasing will be reaching out to known customers as well. 10
Possible Site License EndNote Total spend on EndNote in FY14 was: –Departmental: $34,749 –Personal: $15,073 Currently on license through WiredOut EndNote has offered a site license for a small increase in usage Reviewing current products (RefWorks and EZBib) for potential replacement 11
MATLAB Codes The MATLAB renewal was impacted by the SLS move from OCIO to Purchasing –Funding questions were resolved Old codes ceased functioning for new installs at 9 AM, 8/28 New codes currently available. Installations with old codes hard-fail today (9/30) 12
MATLAB Codes: Network Concurrent Licenses Created a new workflow in Self Service for these codes –Codes still need to be created by hand, but this ensures correct information is collected –The workflow is available during normal MATLAB requests During the request for MATLAB, the system will ask if it is a single machine, or a network server request, and allow you to fill in the information. 13
MATLAB Network Codes 14
MATLAB Network Codes 15
Renewals SAS –Licenses expire Sept. 30 –Pricing may change: examining process on this –Codes expected in early Nov. (expiration warnings begin on Nov. 15, hard fail Dec. 30) JMP –Licenses expire Nov. 30 Sigmaplot –Licenses expire (hard fail) Dec. 31 –V. 13 in testing 16
Resolution likely by end-of-month on Adobe OSU Purchasing is discussing cost- recovery on SQL –If you’ve asked about SQL, we’ll be contacting you today or tomorrow Adobe CC And MS SQL 17
Questions/Comments Next meetings –October 31, 2014, 10 AM –(Tentative) December 1, 2014, 10 AM (due to Thanksgiving holiday) –April 15, 2015 – Second Annual IT Vendor Expo Microsoft Day at the Ohio Union today, 10-3 For SLS Questions, copy with any 18