AT&T Proprietary and Confidential AT&T Wireless Services Aviation Communications Division Air to Ground Data Communications ePlane Service WAEA Technical Committee February 16, 2000
AT&T Proprietary and Confidential Overview Internet –Transport - SMTP –Access Proprietary POP3 IMAP4 In the Airborne Environment –Transport and Access –Limitations Bandwidth Security Operational Realities ePlane Service in North America - AT&T’s Approach
AT&T Proprietary and Confidential Basics - The Big Picture
AT&T Proprietary and Confidential Internet Transport –SMTP - Simple Mail Transfer Protocol –The Internet standard that governs how messages are sent from site to site. –Requests For Comment (RFCs) cover: Message Size Declarations Delivery Status Notifications Authentication and Error Codes Other Rules & Conventions Governing SMTP
AT&T Proprietary and Confidential Basics Access - Models
AT&T Proprietary and Confidential Internet Access –Proprietary access will include POP3 & IMAP4 protocols but may use other messaging technologies besides IP (Eudora, MS Outlook). –POP3 - Post Office Protocol, provides an off- line access model. –IMAP4 - Internet Message Access Protocol, provides online & disconnect access model
AT&T Proprietary and Confidential PROs and CONs
AT&T Proprietary and Confidential Basics Access - Protocols
AT&T Proprietary and Confidential In the Airborne Environment Transport –Always Will Involve an RF Off-Aircraft Link –Will Require Gateways to Airborne Servers via Satcom, Terrestrial and Gatelink Methodologies –Will Use Ground-Based IP Network Access –Passengers May Use Airborne Telephony, IFE or Other Cabin Distribution Systems. –Access Likely to Support “Core” Standard Interfaces (Physical Layer & Logical Layer)
AT&T Proprietary and Confidential Limitations of In the Airborne Environment Bandwidth –Legacy IFE Architectures May Have Limited Throughput –Off-Aircraft Link May Limit Large Attachments (May Not Be a Strong Limitation with Future Satcom Technologies) Security –Corporate “Firewall” Is A Policy Problem - Security Protocols (IPSEC & SSL) Not Universally Adopted Operational Realities –The “Flight Level 100” Problem
AT&T Proprietary and Confidential Potential Aircraft & Internet Applications Operations Electronic Logbook Weather FOQA Weight Data Departure Reports A/C Position OOOI Reports 615 Data Loader –FMS –ACMS Fault Reports Gate Assignment Engine Data Crew Scheduling Cabin Mgmt Connecting Gates Cabin Logbook Frequent Flyer / Customer Profile On-Board Inventory Systems Info & Troubleshooting Departure Reports Briefings Customer Service FA Comm System Financial Rpts Cabin Discrepancy Log (CDL) Catering Reports Baggage/Asset Tracking Customer Service / IFE Transaction Processing Sports Scores Connecting Gates Service Selections RES Access Reservations On-Board Info Service Real-Time Info Service Messaging Service Marketing Tracking Surveys / Comments Shopping Games / Gaming Advertising
AT&T Proprietary and Confidential AT&T’s Approach ePLANE Service in North America
AT&T Proprietary and Confidential
Airborne Data Server Architecture Pilot StationCabin Mgt Station Maintenance Terminal On-Board Distribution System Airborne Data Server (ADS) Ethernet IFE Ctrl/ Server Gatelink Ethernet/Token Ring/RS485 ACARS FMC ACMS DFDAU/QAR IRS/INS/GPS CMC Aircraft Systems CTU/496 Ethernet BRI/CEPT A429 CDS
AT&T Proprietary and Confidential NATS Network Architecture Airborne Data Server (ADS) ADS Gatelink Possibilities CDPD Tether - Ethernet, FDDI Wireless LAN
AT&T Proprietary and Confidential Airline Data Center Concept X.25/Frame RelayInternet ACM Functionality: Communications Security Data Routing Network Management POTS LAN Airborne Communications Manager (ACM) Gatelink AT&T Data Hub Remote Dial Up Access Legacy Systems Client Server Environment ACM Internal TCP/IP
AT&T Proprietary and Confidential Communications Management Functions Airborne & Ground-Based Capabilities Stack layers provide the following functionality : Router API - provides application access to communications channels. Includes: –service request validation –File System interface –call statistics collection –call detail records (CDR ) Data Router - provides data routing (application-to-application, both on- board aircraft and off-aircraft). Includes: –request queuing (by priority and arrival time) –link selection (terrestrial/satellite/on-board) –addressing
AT&T Proprietary and Confidential Communications Management Functions Airborne & Ground-Based Capabilities Convergence - provides protocol conversion, when required. Also provides: –data encryption/decryption –data compression (and decompression) PAD - provides basic packet service for off-aircraft communications. Includes: –data fragmentation and re-assembly –TCP packet assembling and dissembling –X.25 packet assembling and disassembling –packet routing –call control
AT&T Proprietary and Confidential Remember….. Is A Complex & Widely Used Technology –“End-to-End” Solutions Are Preferred - Solutions Must Be Found For the Airborne and Ground Segments –Standards-Based Solutions Are Recommended –Useful For Airlines Operations As Well As A Passenger Amenity –Users Must Understand The Limitations –Technology Alone Will Not Provide The Complete Solution