Decoding RFAs, RFPs, and PAs Charlotte Flipp Division of Epidemiology Anne Everett Division of Epidemiology Kevin McKoskey Sponsored Projects Administration
Topics for Discussion PA (Program Announcement) RFA (Request for Application) RFP (Request for Proposal)
Top 3 Things To Do When Working on PAs, RFAs, and RFPs Read the announcement For RFAs and RFPs send copies to your GA ASAP Read the announcement
Program Announcement (PA) Identifies areas of increased priority and/or emphasis on particular funding mechanisms for a specific area of science Usually accepted on standard receipt (postmarked) dates on an on-going basisstandard receipt (postmarked) dates Remains active for three years from date of release unless the announcement indicates a specific expiration
Program Announcement (PA) (Continued) Method of submission (, paper) Executive Summary includes mechanism of support, budget/project lengths, general information Special Types –PAR: A PA with special receipt, referral and/or review considerations, as described in the PAR announcements –PAS: A PA that includes specific set-aside funds as described in the PAS announcement
Request for Application (RFA) Identifies a more narrowly defined area for which one or more NIH institutes have set aside funds for awarding grants Usually has a single receipt (received on or before) date specified in the RFA announcement May require letter of intent prior to proposal submission
Request for Application (RFA) (Continued) If paper submission multiple submit to addresses Usually reviewed by a Scientific Review Group convened by the issuing awarding component Key to provide SPA notice and copy of RFA early in the process
Request for Application (RFA) (Continued) Specific budgetary information imbedded in announcement (Steering committee meetings, Data Safety Monitoring Board (DSMB) meetings, conference calls, etc.) Executive Summary includes mechanism of support, budget/project lengths, general information
Request for Proposal (RFP) Solicits contract proposals. An RFP usually has one receipt date, as specified in RFP solicitation Letter of Intent usually required to be sent to NIH Distinct separation of Technical Proposal from Business Proposal
Request for Proposal (RFP) (Continued) Specific packaging and delivery of proposal instructions Statement of Work is clearly and specifically defined Budget to be completed on the NIH contract forms (Excel spreadsheet) Technical Proposal Cost Summary is usually also required
Request for Proposal (RFP) (Continued) SPA needs to complete Institutional forms (Rep & Certs,) Small Business Plan if required Usually requires copies of U/M annual report, F & A rate agreement, etc.. Key to notify and get SPA a copy early in process
Top 3 Things To Do When Working on PAs, RFAs, and RFPs Read the announcement For RFAs and RFPs send copies to your GA ASAP Read the announcement
Decoding RFAs, RFPs, and PAs Charlotte Flipp Division of Epidemiology Anne Everett Division of Epidemiology Kevin McKoskey Sponsored Projects Administration Any questions? Thank you!