Pre-Implementation Project “Third-Quarter” Town Hall September, 2013 Visit
Project Sponsors Robert Ambach, Senior Vice President of Administration and Finance Beverly Davenport, Senior Vice President and Provost Nelson Vincent, CIO and Vice President of Information Technologies Visit
Steering Committee Aurora Bennett, College of Medicine Douglas Burgess (PM), Registrar Anton Harfmann, Dean’s Council Patricia Krekeler (PM), UCIT Carol Metzger, Finance Caroline Miller (Co-Chair), Enrollment Management Lee Mortimer, Institutional Research Andrew Naab, Student Government Robin Pittman (PM), Business Core Systems Jim Plummer (Co-Chair), Administration & Finance Russell McMahon, Faculty Senate Nelson Vincent (Co-Chair), UCIT Visit
Project Team Douglas Burgess (PM), Registrar Thomas Canepa, Admissions Paul Foster, UCIT (Blackboard) Nicholas Frame, Institutional Research Cecily Goode, One Stop Student Services Gary Grafe, UCIT (IT Architect) Ken Hirsch, College of Law Emily Kregor, The Graduate School Patricia Krekeler (PM), UCIT Bob Miller, Enrollment Management Mark Miller, UC Blue Ash Andrea Oaks, College of Medicine Dana Pawlowicz, Financial Aid Robin Pittman (PM), Business Core Systems M. B. Reilly, Public Relations Tara Warden, Academic Advising Ken Wolterman, Bursar Mark Young, UCIT Visit
Project Timeline – Phases I & II
Phase 1 & 2 Accomplishments Requirements Gap Analysis Critical Issues & Risk Analysis Options Assessment Readiness Assessment All resulting in a recommendation to proceed with Vendor and Implementation Partner RFPs Visit
Project Timeline: – Phases III & IV Visit
Summer Semester Activities Prepare a request for proposals (RFP) for a software product and an implementation partner – Electronic RFP utilizing DecisionDirector electronic tool Both RFP’s released on August 19 Visit
Fall Semester Activities Evaluate the RFP responses for the software vendors and the implementation partners Evaluate the vendor demonstrations and implementation partner presentations of the top finalists Perform reference checks Select the finalist Visit
Software and Implementation Services Vendor Selection Timeline Visit
Selection Process Steering Committee will review RFP responses to determine respondents that meet minimum requirements Steering Committee and Project Team will review and score the RFP responses. Visit
Selection Process Continued Finalists will be invited to campus to present scripted demonstrations based on University requirements Demonstration participants will provide feedback Steering Committee and Project Team will review demonstration feedback and incorporate into the scoring process Steering Committee and Project team will conduct and score reference checks Visit
At least Five installations Two w/in last three years At institutions w/25,000+ Minimum Qualifications Software Vendors / Implementation Partners Demos Visit
Product Support Product Development Reliability & Viability Functional Capability Technical Capability Scripted Demonstrations Reference Checks Cost of Ownership Evaluation Criteria Software Vendor Finalist Visit
Implementation Services Project Management Project Staffing Reliability & Viability On-Site Presentation Reference Checks Cost of Implementation Evaluation Criteria Implementation Partner Finalist Visit
Visit for full demo
Decision Process Steering Committee will review final scores and select the finalist for the vendor product and implementation partner Contracts will be negotiated Board of Trustees will be presented with final recommendation for approval Contracts will be signed Visit
Questions, Comments, or Concerns? Visit to