W ELCOME Find someone and share... A time in your life when you experienced doing something on your own for the first time.
T ODAY ’ S T OPICS ARE grantmaking strategy Community feedback process Purpose and funding priorities
T HE A RT OF C ONVERSATION Behaviors that help take conversation to a deeper realm We acknowledge one another as equals We try to stay curious about each other We recognize that we need each other’s help to become better listeners We slow down so we have time to think and reflect We remember that conversation is the natural way humans think together We expect it to be messy at times
C OMMUNITY A GREEMENTS An invitation Show up (or choose to be present) Pay attention (to heart and meaning) Tell the truth (without blame or judgment) Be open to outcome (not attached to outcome)
U SING A L ENS OF R ACIAL E QUITY It allows us to uncover the policies practices and behaviors that sustains unequal outcomes for children. Individual Institutional Structural Forms of Racism
T ARGETED U NIVERSALISM This approach supports the needs of the particular while reminding us that we are all part of the same social fabric.
W HERE H AVE W E B EEN ? P HASE I: D EVELOPMENT Racial Equity Theory of Change (RETOC)
T HE V ISION In Washington, we work together so that all children start life with a solid foundation for success, based on strong families and a world-class early learning system for all children prenatal through third grade. Accessible, accountable, and developmentally and culturally appropriate, our system partners with families to ensure that every child is healthy, capable and confident in school and in life. ― Washington Early Learning Plan
“While early childhood education has the proven potential to prevent educational inequity, if not dramatically improved, it will do the reverse and perpetuate it.” ― Sharon Lynn Kagan, “American Early Childhood Education: Preventing or Perpetuating Inequity?” Equity Matters: Research Review No. 3, April 2009
E SSENTIAL Q UESTION How can we use a racial equity lens to help inform our approach in supporting the development of an early learning system at the local and state level?
W HAT IS A R ACIAL E QUITY T HEORY OF C HANGE ? A vision of… … what we want to accomplish … with logical sequence of steps for getting there … and informed logic … that are also informed and disciplined by a structural racism analytical framework
R ACIAL E QUITY T HEORY OF C HANGE (RETOC) Step #1: What We Want – Defining our Racial Equity Outcome Step #2: What We Need – Identifying the Building Blocks for Change Step #3: What Helps or Stands in the Way – Identifying Policies, Practices, Cultural Representations Step #4: What We Must Know – Understanding the Politics of Change Step #5: What We Must Do – Gearing Up for Action
RETOC D ECISION -M AKING BrainstormRefineReflect Stakeholder Group Working Group
P HASE II: I MPLEMENTATION Community of Practice ARE Grants Strategy
What are the skills, practice, language, materials and support that will help me be a leader for equity?
ARE G RANTS S TRATEGY Why we are making grants for advancing racial equity in early learning? RETOC identified clear areas of need where lack of resources are a significant barrier ARE grants can create a feedback loop informing the broader community of practice
ARE G RANTS S TRATEGY Upcoming Committee Meetings: Purpose and Funding Priorities RFP Review (5/20) Outreach Strategy (6/11) Review Panel (7/16) Conflict of Interest Policy
ARE G RANTS S TRATEGY Application Dates Applications due 8/5/13 Panel review (TBD) Announce awards (9/12/13) Grant agreements distributed
G RANTS M ANAGEMENT S YSTEM Fair and Transparent Decision-Making and Approval Grant Monitoring and Compliance Processes Online Application and Reporting System Data System to Support Technical Assistance and CQI Tools Policies to Manage Risk at All Stages of the Grant Life Cycle Policies
R EQUEST FOR P ROPOSALS 1.Summary of what we were trying to accomplish 2.Setup the Community Café Process a.Nominate a “table host” b.Use thought provoking questions as a guide
R EQUEST FOR P ROPOSALS Round 1 1.Guiding Questions for the Table a.Does the background provide enough content for the applicant to get a basic functional understanding of the RETOC? b.Are the descriptions of the RETOC, Purpose and Approach and the funding areas clear and accessible? c.Are there any missing pieces in the flow of the document that would help an applicant?
R EQUEST FOR P ROPOSALS Round 2 1.Guiding Questions for the Table a.Is the RFP content reflective of our use of the RETOC? b.Does the RFP make room for the translation of RETOC concepts into actionable strategies that address community need? c.Will applicants be able to select a primary funding area?
R EQUEST FOR P ROPOSALS Round 3 1.Guiding Questions for the Table a.Does the RFP provide enough direction for someone to develop a proposal? Does it provide so much direction that is constrains the potential content of proposals? Would you want more or less guidance? b.Do the funding priorities represent the full scope of what we want to prioritize? Are there any Funding Priorities that are not currently included that should be? Are there ones that should be deleted?