H ARNESSING THE P OWER OF D ATA Illinois Perspective Kim Collins, Project Manger Governor’s Office of Early Childhood Development.


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Presentation transcript:

H ARNESSING THE P OWER OF D ATA Illinois Perspective Kim Collins, Project Manger Governor’s Office of Early Childhood Development

E ARLY L EARNING L ANDSCAPE Illinois State Board of Education Preschool For All Prevention Initiative Illinois Department of Human Services CCAP- Child Care Subsidy Home Visiting Quality Counts System- Child Care Quality Initiatives Gateways to Opportunity Registry Head Start Collaboration Office Illinois Department of Children and Family Services Child Care Licensing

E ARLY L EARNING C OUNCIL Created in 2003 Governor’s Office of Early Childhood Development Structure Executive Committee 5 Committees Data, Research, and Evaluation Membership Co-Chairs: Public and Private

D ATA W ORK G ROUP Created in 2008 Membership State Government Head Start Higher Education School Districts Private Agencies Created: Inventory Key Data Elements Key Policy Questions

SAC G RANT : U NIFIED E ARLY C HILDHOOD D ATA S YSTEM D ESIGN 1 Year Contract to Design the Unified Early Childhood Data System Inventory and Process Flow Gap Analysis Inclusion of Head Start Design Outline of Potential Risks and Barriers Interagency Agreements Creation of Build RFP

SAC G RANT : U NIFIED E ARLY C HILDHOOD D ATA S YSTEM D ESIGN Develop and conduct interviews with key state and local agencies around their current systems and vision Create process flow diagram and narrative functional analysis on all government and partially government funded data systems and provide a report to OECD and DWG. Review relevant systems used by other states, in particular Pennsylvania’s Enterprise to Link Information for Children Across Networks (PELICAN) and report best practices to the OECD and DWG. Provide analysis and recommendations for common early childhood data standards Provide analysis and recommendations for the extension of the Recipient Identification Number (RIN) to all DHS Early Childhood Systems and other DHS system integrations and enhancements. Create gap analysis report on early childhood data that is collected in the ILDS and Framework system. Provide gap analysis to OECD, DWG, ISBE and DHS. Create and present general system design on how to fill the gaps between ILDS and Framework and link the two data systems to create a coordinated data system to the OECD and DWG. Provide analysis and recommendations for inclusion of Head Start/Early Head Start data in State data collection processes and systems. Develop comprehensive technical architecture of systems and data. The structure must include all of the essential data elements and oversight requirements listed in the Early learning Challenge application. It should also describe access levels for users. Identify position risks and issues that may arise during system development (example legal, administrative, technical, political). Provide recommendations for necessary interagency agreement, policy, business and staffing changes necessary to implement data sharing. In consultation with the Office and DWG, create an RFI for data system design that will inform the creation of an RFP for services. (Optional deliverable) In consultation with the Office and DWG, and based on the RFI, create the RFP to solicit IT solutions for development of the unified early childhood data system. (Optional deliverable)

K EY I LLINOIS S YSTEMS AND I NITIATIVES Longitudinal Data System Framework Gateways to Opportunity Registry Illinois Early Childhood Asset Map- IECAM Shared Learning Environment Provider Database

I LLINOIS L ONGITUDINAL D ATA S YSTEM Student Information System (SIS) Student Unique Identifier Program School District LDS Governance

G ATEWAYS TO O PPORTUNITY R EGISTRY Workforce Data Managed and Housed at the Illinois Resource and Referral Agency Proposed Rules- Mandatory for all child care providers beginning September 2012 INCCRRA Data Tracking Program


N EXT S TEPS Complete Early Childhood Unified Data System Design Include Head Start Data Expand the Provider Database Include Early Learning in the Common Data Standards Expand the Illinois Shared Learning Environment to include Early Learning Build on Data Driven Decision Making