Michigan Council for Educator Effectiveness Toward an Improvement-Focused System of Educator Evaluation Jennifer Hammond OCTE Meeting November 7, 2013
Michigan Council for Educator Effectiveness Today’s Presentation Review of Charge of the Michigan Council for Educator Effectiveness Review Specific Recommendations Answer Questions
Michigan Council for Educator Effectiveness Membership of MCEE Deborah Loewenberg Ball (chair) Dean, University of Michigan School of Education Jennifer Hammond Principal, Grand Blanc High School Joseph Martineau (non-voting member) Executive Director, Bureau of Assessment and Accountability, Michigan Department of Education Mark Reckase Professor, Michigan State University Nicholas Sheltrown Director of Measurement, Research, and Accountability, National Heritage Academies David Vensel Principal, Jefferson High School (Monroe, MI)
Michigan Council for Educator Effectiveness MCEE Charge The MCEE will submit to the State Board of Education, the Governor, and the state legislature a report that identifies and recommends all of the following: 1.A student growth and assessment tool. 2.A state evaluation tool for teachers. 3.A state evaluation tool for school administrators. 4.Changes to the requirements for a professional teaching certificate. 5.A process for evaluating and approving local evaluation tools for teachers and administrators that are consistent with the state evaluation tool for teachers and administrators.
Michigan Council for Educator Effectiveness MCEE Vision The Michigan Council for Educator Effectiveness will develop a fair, transparent, and feasible evaluation system for teachers and school administrators. The system will be based on rigorous standards of professional practice and of measurement. The goal of this system is to contribute to enhanced instruction, improve student achievement, and support ongoing professional learning.
Michigan Council for Educator Effectiveness Implementation Recommendations July 2013: MCEE submits final recommendations Early fall 2013: Legislature acts on recommendations school year: State and school districts focus on developing the necessary training as well as the required systems, processes, and vendor contracts school year: New educator evaluation system launches across the state This staging is crucial in order to fulfill our charge to build an ethical, transparent, and fair system of evaluating educators, dedicated to educational improvement in the state.
Michigan Council for Educator Effectiveness Framework for evaluating teachers Ratings Professional Provisional Ineffective Practice 50% of evaluation in 2015–2016 and in subsequent years Observations of teaching Other local measures and evidence Student Growth 50% of evaluation in 2015–2016 and in subsequent years State assessments Other assessments for non-tested grades and subjects Student learning objectives Other local measures and evidence
Michigan Council for Educator Effectiveness Categorizing Educators Professional –Competent OR extraordinary –All performance can be improved –Must have specific feedback for development –Three years to advance roles/leadership –Three years to alternating evaluation years
Michigan Council for Educator Effectiveness Categorizing Educators Provisional –Some knowledge and skill –Specific substantial weaknesses –Beginning teachers/administrators –Experienced teachers/administrators with areas of improvement –Warning category –Three years provisional, counseled out of role
Michigan Council for Educator Effectiveness Categorizing Educators Ineffective –Specific critical identified weaknesses –Urgent notice –Significant improvement needed –Two years ineffective, terminated from employment
Michigan Council for Educator Effectiveness State Evaluation Tool for Teachers Observation Tools Required: –Danielson –5 Dimensions –Marzano –Thoughtful Classroom Districts must use tool with fidelity
Michigan Council for Educator Effectiveness State Evaluation Tool for Teachers State to conduct RFP State to provide technical support and training LEAs to pay for costs above State supported tool
Michigan Council for Educator Effectiveness State Evaluation Tool for Teachers Observer training required Training provided by vendor Multiple observations required One observation unannounced Qualified peers can conduct observations
Michigan Council for Educator Effectiveness State Evaluation Tool for Teachers Administrator must conduct 1 observation Must include other observations in final determination Observers must be trained in coaching and providing feedback
Michigan Council for Educator Effectiveness Student Growth and Assessment Tool Student Growth vs. Value-Added –Full Service Assessments –Model Assessments –Local Assessments –Student Learning Objectives (SLOs)
Michigan Council for Educator Effectiveness Student Growth and Assessment Tool State to develop assessments in core content AND high-volume, non-core areas State provided guidelines for local assessments and third party assessments State to provide training on student learning objectives
Michigan Council for Educator Effectiveness Student Growth and Assessment Tool State to provide VAM for core areas Half of student growth is to be VAM Non-core teachers may use VAM, this is determined by LEA –Examples: Art teacher, math results Music teacher, reading results
Michigan Council for Educator Effectiveness Student Growth and Assessment Tool School-level VAM will be provided and use to be determined by LEAs, not to exceed10% of student growth
Michigan Council for Educator Effectiveness Example: Proportion of data
Michigan Council for Educator Effectiveness Example: Combining scores Practice ProfessionalProvisionalIneffective Student growth Meets expectations Professional Provisional Does not fully meet expectations ProfessionalProvisionalIneffective Below expectations ProvisionalIneffective
Michigan Council for Educator Effectiveness State Evaluation Tool for Administrators Select one tool: –MASA’s School Advance –Reeves Leadership Performance Rubric State to conduct RFP Support and train for one tool Evaluated based on practice and student growth
Michigan Council for Educator Effectiveness State Evaluation Tool for Administrators Administrators –Directly related to instruction/student learning –Determined by LEA Other Items –Proficiency on teacher evaluations –Progress on SIP –Attendance rates –Student, Parent and Teacher feedback –Other items determined by LEA
Michigan Council for Educator Effectiveness Changes to the Requirements for a Professional Teaching Certificate Provisional Certification to Professional Certification: –Require successive professional rating for 3 years –If not, then Provisional Certificate renewal
Michigan Council for Educator Effectiveness Local District Waivers Demonstrate local system quality and rigor Vendor tools cannot be adjusted or LEA must prove validity Plan for gathering validity and reliability within 3 years State to create an office for coordinating waiver process
Michigan Council for Educator Effectiveness Thank you! Questions?