Science- Ms. Draffkorn
To get to know each other
Access your prior knowledge Observation
1. How do you spell my name? This one should be easy! Hint: I have a boy’s last name.
2. How old am I?
3. What college did I go to?
4. What did I study in college?
5. What is my favorite song right now?
6. What is my favorite baseball team?
7. What is my favorite sport in general?
8. What was my favorite hobby while growing up?
9. What is my favorite season?
10. What is my favorite color?
11. Am I married? Do I have kids?
12. What is my favorite television show?
13. Do I have siblings? If so, how many?
14. What did I do this summer?
15. When is my birthday?
16. What kind of food do I like?
17. What other subject do I teach at Sundling? For some of you, this should be easy!
18. What is my favorite animal?
19. Exactly how tall am I? I’m pretty tall right…?
20. If you were to describe your life with a title of a song, which song would it be?
1. What is your name? What do you like to be called?
2. When is your birthday?
3. Do you like science? What do you like most about science?
4. What is your favorite thing about school?
5. What is your least favorite thing about school?
6. What activities do you do inside/outside of school?
7. My strengths in school are…
8. My weaknesses in school are…
9. My favorite song or musician right now is...
10. What is your favorite movie?
11. What is your favorite T.V. show?
12. What do you want to be when you grow up?
13. The farthest I have ever traveled from home is...
14. I am really good at…
15. My favorite food is...
16. My favorite color is...
17. Who do you admire the most? Explain.
18. What is your favorite book/author?
19. If my life were a movie, the title would be…
20. The one thing I want Ms. Draffkorn to know about me is…