Lincolnshire Research Observatory Business and the Lincolnshire Economy Business and the Lincolnshire Economy – A look at business demography and performance Amanda O’Connor Principal Development Officer Research & Information Team
Lincolnshire Research Observatory Business and the Lincolnshire Economy Businesses in Lincolnshire Some definitions Types of industry in Lincolnshire The size of businesses The number of active enterprises and their age Lincolnshire business demography - business births deaths and survivals A local picture of business taken from our Quarterly Economic Survey
Lincolnshire Research Observatory Business and the Lincolnshire Economy What is a business An organisation that trades in goods and services for a financial reward Sole traders, partnerships, companies, government organisations Business Enterprises and local units
Lincolnshire Research Observatory Business and the Lincolnshire Economy Source: Office of National Statistics
Lincolnshire Research Observatory Business and the Lincolnshire Economy Source: Office of National Statistics
Lincolnshire Research Observatory Business and the Lincolnshire Economy Source: Office of National Statistics
Lincolnshire Research Observatory Business and the Lincolnshire Economy Source: Defra Agricultural Survey, 2005 Concentrations of Farms >5 ha Agriculture
Lincolnshire Research Observatory Business and the Lincolnshire Economy Agri-Food Source: Annual Business Inquiry 2008, Office for National Statistics Concentrations of Agri-Food Workplaces
Lincolnshire Research Observatory Business and the Lincolnshire Economy Construction Concentrations of Construction Workplaces Source: Annual Business Inquiry 2008, Office for National Statistics
Lincolnshire Research Observatory Business and the Lincolnshire Economy Professional, Scientific & Technical Concentrations of Professional, Scientific & Technical Workplaces Source: Annual Business Inquiry 2008, Office for National Statistics
Lincolnshire Research Observatory Business and the Lincolnshire Economy Concentration of Accommodation & Food Workplaces Source: Annual Business Inquiry 2008, Office for National Statistics
Lincolnshire Research Observatory Business and the Lincolnshire Economy Non-Food Manufacturing Concentrations of Non-Food Manufacturing Workplaces Source: Annual Business Inquiry 2008, Office for National Statistics
Lincolnshire Research Observatory Business and the Lincolnshire Economy Source: Office of National Statistics 25%29%24%22% 21%24% 31%
Lincolnshire Research Observatory Business and the Lincolnshire Economy Source: Office of National Statistics
Lincolnshire Research Observatory Business and the Lincolnshire Economy Source: Office of National Statistics
Lincolnshire Research Observatory Business and the Lincolnshire Economy Source: Office of National Statistics
Lincolnshire Research Observatory Business and the Lincolnshire Economy Source: Office of National Statistics
Lincolnshire Research Observatory Business and the Lincolnshire Economy 76.6% 73.9% 46.9%46.6% Source: Office of National Statistics
Lincolnshire Research Observatory Business and the Lincolnshire Economy 8.3% Source: Office of National Statistics 37.3%45.6%
Lincolnshire Research Observatory Business and the Lincolnshire Economy About the data and its uses ONS data - geography and time lag Quantitative Influencing employment, productivity, and location Lincolnshire Quarterly Economic Survey (QES)
Lincolnshire Research Observatory Business and the Lincolnshire Economy Lincolnshire Quarterly Economic Survey (QES) Collaboration with the Lincolnshire Chamber of Commerce and Lincoln University A panel of Lincolnshire businesses A Quarterly survey - reported Quarterly Provides a local business barometer Important local evidence base Influential both nationally and locally To join the panel contact the Lincolnshire Research Observatory
Lincolnshire Research Observatory Business and the Lincolnshire Economy Stay the Same Decrease Increase Source: Quarterly Economic Survey
Lincolnshire Research Observatory Business and the Lincolnshire Economy Stay the Same Decrease Increase Source: Quarterly Economic Survey
Lincolnshire Research Observatory Business and the Lincolnshire Economy Stay the Same Decrease Increase Source: Quarterly Economic Survey
Lincolnshire Research Observatory Business and the Lincolnshire Economy Source: Quarterly Economic Survey
Lincolnshire Research Observatory Business and the Lincolnshire Economy Stay the Same Decrease Increase Source: Quarterly Economic Survey
Lincolnshire Research Observatory Business and the Lincolnshire Economy Lincolnshire Business – a summary Traditional industries More small businesses More ‘established’ business Local optimism Recovering slowly
Lincolnshire Research Observatory Business and the Lincolnshire Economy Any Questions