PRESCO Oliver Kornadt Ostend, 24.6.02 European Thematic Network Practical Recommendations for Sustainable Construction PRESCO.


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Presentation transcript:

PRESCO Oliver Kornadt Ostend, European Thematic Network Practical Recommendations for Sustainable Construction PRESCO

PRESCO Oliver Kornadt Ostend, FIFTH FRAMEWORK PROGRAMME OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITY FOR RESEARCH, TECHNOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT AND DEMONSTRATION ( ) Key Action 4.3. City of Tomorrow –Development and demonstration of technologies for safe, economic, clean, effective and sustainable preservation, recovery, renovation, construction, dismantling and demolition of the built environment, in particular for large groups of buildings RTD Priority Revitalisation of city centres and neighbourhoods

PRESCO Oliver Kornadt Ostend, PRESCO Management Structure Network Coordinator BBRI Steering Committee Network Chairman : O. Kornadt BBRI, Holzmann, GTM, IC, SBR European Commission City of Tomorrow

PRESCO Oliver Kornadt Ostend, Some figures about PRESCO 29 partners 8 industrial partners –7 PRC’s –1 PNP 5 local and regional a uthorities –4 GOV’s –1 PNP 10 REC’s, 6 HES’s 5 SC members 16 European countries 2 associated states

PRESCO Oliver Kornadt Ostend, PRESCO Partnership 1/2 Industrial Partners: –GTM Construction –DEMEX –Randa Group –Holzmann –W/E Consultants –BDA –Piode Authorities: –Regione Siciliana –Municipality of Volos –Flemish Provinces –Flemish Housing Association

PRESCO Oliver Kornadt Ostend, PRESCO Partnership 2/2 Research Centres: –BRE –VTT –BBRI –CSTB –EMPA Education: –University of Athens –University College Dublin –University of Palermo –University of Porto –Imperial College London –Armines - ENSMP –BSRIA –SBR –SINTEF –SHI –IBO

PRESCO Oliver Kornadt Ostend, Objectives of PRESCO 1/3 European Code of Practice for Sustainable Construction –Compilation and integration phase –Contacts with local networks –European-wide public inquiry (2.500 professionals) –European PRESCO-CRISP workshop –Final Code with 200 to 250 practical recommendations –Allowing for regional differences –Covering not only environmental, but also social and economical aspects (sustainability)

PRESCO Oliver Kornadt Ostend, Objectives of PRESCO 2/3 Environmental Assessment and Design Tools –Exchange of information –Transfer of knowledge and data –Inter-Comparison and Benchmarking of LCA-based environmental assessment and design tools on reference buildings –Evaluation of Code of Practice –Towards a harmonised approach for environmental performance assessments

PRESCO Oliver Kornadt Ostend, Objectives of PRESCO 3/3 Information and Communication Channels –Meetings, visits and workshops, 1 PRESCO- CRISP Workshop and 1 Int. Conference –Newsletter, Code and Website Information should reach all levels where decisions regarding sustainable construction are taken – Local and regional authorities – Housing Companies and Project Developers – Designers – Contractors, etc.

PRESCO Oliver Kornadt Ostend, Progress – Code of Practice 1/5 Code of Practice Existing Recommendations Contact with Local Networks Public Inquiry PRESCO- CRISP Workshop

PRESCO Oliver Kornadt Ostend, About 300 recommendation already developed Two types –Recommendations, valid all over Europe –Specific, valid for paticular regions, type of buildings, stage of process,... Discussion with other groups in progress (national and international workshops) Progress – Code of Practice 2/5

PRESCO Oliver Kornadt Ostend, Progress – Code of Practice 3/5 Themes: –Accessibility, Comfort, Eco-System, Energy, Flexibility, General Principle, Health and Safety, Materials, Other issues, Security, Site, Transport, Waste Management, Water Actors –Client, Architect, Designer, Contractor, Developer, Facility Manager, Local Authority, Operator, Maintenance Team, Product Manufacturer Use of the building –Dwelling, Multi-residential building, Offices, Hospital, School, Utility building

PRESCO Oliver Kornadt Ostend, Progress – Code of Practice 4/5 Advanced database system  Merging and editing of recommendations  Selecting and sorting recommen- dations according to the wishes of the user

PRESCO Oliver Kornadt Ostend, Progress – Code of Practice 5/5 Remaining Tasks: –Process results of PRESCO-CRISP Workshop –Europe wide public inquiry –Final Network Discussion –Publication of the Code of Practice: CD- ROM and/or paper version

PRESCO Oliver Kornadt Ostend, Progress – Environmental Assessment Tools Scheduled to start in month 24 (June 2002) Selection of demonstration projects (visits during previous Network Meetings) Kick-off discussion during PRESCO-CRISP Workshop  Parallel session on Environmental Assessment Methodologies & Design Tools

PRESCO Oliver Kornadt Ostend, Progress – Dissemination and Communication 1/4 3 Newsletters published, 4 th issue scheduled for July 2002

PRESCO Oliver Kornadt Ostend, Progress – Dissemination and Communication 2/4 Newsletter 2: Demonstration projects  Example: Technical High School “Leonardo Da Vinci” - France

PRESCO Oliver Kornadt Ostend, Progress – Dissemination and Communication 3/4 3 Newsletters published, 4 th issue scheduled for July Network Meetings: Rotterdam (NL), Volos (GR), Brussels (BE) 2 visits to demonstration projects

PRESCO Oliver Kornadt Ostend, Progress – Dissemination and Communication 4/4 3 Newsletters published, 4 th issue scheduled for July Network Meetings: Rotterdam (NL), Volos (GR), Brussels (BE) 2 visits to demonstration projects 1 International Workshop in Volos

PRESCO Oliver Kornadt Ostend, Conclusion Good results so far Active Network Members Positive response from people outside PRESCO PRESCO recommendations will be a useful guideline for sustainable construction Still some difficulties to be solved  work is in progress