Engineering Education & Engineering Education Research XIONG ChinMin, Prof. PhD Invited April 29, 2014.


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Presentation transcript:

Engineering Education & Engineering Education Research XIONG ChinMin, Prof. PhD Invited April 29, 2014

2 Outlines 1.Background 2.Engineering Education 3.Engineering Education Research 4.An Example 5.Q&A

3 1. Background Professor’s duty: –Create knowledge –Educate student Doing research & Teaching –at same time?? –engineering education Research Who am i ?

4 Educational Research in SSCI Chin-Min Hsiung. (2010). Identification of Dysfunctional Cooperative Learning Teams Based on Students’ Academic Achievement. Journal of Engineering Education, 99(1), (SSCI, Rank=9/184, IF=2.219 in 2010) Chin-Min Hsiung. (2011). Identification of dysfunctional cooperative learning teams using Taguchi quality indexes. Educational Technology & Society, 14(3), (SSCI, Rank=58/206, IF=1.011 in 2011) Chin-Min Hsiung. (2012). The Effectiveness of Cooperative Learning. Journal of Engineering Education, 101(1), (SSCI, Rank=16/216, IF=1.925 in 2012) Chin-Min Hsiung, Shi-Jer Lou, Chi-Chang Lin, and Pei-Ling Wang. (2013). Identification of dysfunctional cooperative learning teams and troubled individuals. British Journal of Educational Technology. (In press). (SSCI, Rank=37/216, IF=1.313 in 2012) Chin-Min Hsiung, L. F. Luo, and H. C. Chung. (2014). Early Identification of Ineffective Cooperative Learning Teams. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning. (in Press). (SSCI, Rank=20/216, IF=1.632 in 2012) SCI. EI Chin-Min Hsiung. (2010). An experimental investigation into the efficiency of cooperative learning with consideration of multiple grouping criteria. European Journal of Engineering Education, 35(6), (EI in 2010 ) Chin-Min Hsiung. (2011). Empirical investigation into the ability-condition interaction effect of cooperative learning. International Journal of Engineering Education, 27(2), (SCI)

A quantitative approach to assessing team functioning in cooperative learning environments (in review) Enhancing engineering students’ cooperative learning performance further (in review) Enhancing technical paper reading comprehension using cooperative learning approach (????)

6 熊京民 利用二極體之逆向偏壓 I-V 特性曲線取得其參數之方法 – 中華民國發明專利 ( 證書號: I394964) 熊京民 利用二極體之順向偏壓 I-V 特性曲線取得其參數之方法 – 中華民國發明專利 ( 證書號: I394965) 熊京民 利用二極體之逆向偏壓 I-V 特性曲線取得其參數之方法 – 中華民國發明專利 ( 證書號: I415203) 熊京民 利用二極體之順向偏壓 I-V 特性曲線取得其參數之方法 – 中華民國發明專利 ( 證書號: I414033) Chin-Min Hsiung. (2012). A generalized Norde plot for reverse biased Schottky contacts. International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials, 19(1), (SCI) 專利

7 2. Engineering Education current situations Students are not well prepared –6 million & 100% –Multiple intelligences (Gardner, 1983) Teachers are not well prepared –Teacher-centered vs. –Student-centered

8 Teacher-centered Learning Rote-learning Care only about grades Passive & No passion

9 Bloom’s Taxonomy Remember Understand Apply Analyze Evaluate Create

10 Student-centered Learning Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn. –Benjamin Franklin

11 Student-centered approach Active learning Peer-instruction Inquiry-based learning Problem-based learning Cooperative learning

12 Problem-based learning encourages students to pose questions, propose hypotheses, make predictions, use tools to gather and analyze data, generate inferences in light of empirical evidence, construct arguments, communicate their findings, use a broad array of reasoning strategies that involve critical, creative, causal, and logical thinking

13 Cooperative learning Theory based –Social cognitive theory, –Social constructivist theory, –Social interdependence theory Evidence supported Model guided

14 Cooperative learning Evidence supported –higher achievement –greater long-term retention of what is learned –more frequent use of higher-level reasoning (critical thinking) and meta-cognitive thought –more accurate and creative problem solving –more willingness to take on difficult tasks and persist (despite difficulties) in working toward goal accomplishment –more intrinsic motivation –transfer of learning from one situation to another –greater time on task

15 Cooperative learning Model guided (Johnson, Johnson & Smith) – 面對面溝通 – 積極互賴 – 各盡己責 – 團隊技巧 – 團體歷程

16 Education Research?? Less competition Less resources needed Fertile ground

17 How? I am around A team at FAFU? Aim high

4. An Example: 辨認失敗的合作學習團隊

19 內容 前言 方法 結果與討論 結論 19

20 I. 前言 Identifying dysfunctional teams –Important Research Question Often occurred in practice Few studied –Novel schemes needed 20

21 1.A 研究目的 Computer-aided Assessment Tool –Academic performance* –Taguchi quality index** Mean & variance –Mahalanobis distance metric*** Correlated data * JEE, 2010 Identification of Dysfunctional Cooperative Learning Teams Based on Students’ Academic Achievement ** ETS, 2011 Identification of dysfunctional cooperative learning teams using Taguchi quality indexes ***BJET, 2013 Identification of dysfunctional cooperative learning teams and troubled individuals 21

22 1.B 田口品質指標 Larger-the-Better problem –Positive & large Academic performance –Positive & large SN= -10 log(Σ1/y i 2 /n) 22

23 1.C 馬氏距離 : Correlated data 23

24 MD: Mahalanobis distance MD = (X-M) T A -1 (X-M)/k, –X status vector of an unknown group –M mean of the reference group –A covariance of the reference group –k number of variables 24

25 II. 方法 研究對象 研究程序 結果量測 辨認方法 –Find reference group using SN –Calculate A & M of the reference group –Compute and Compare MD of the unknown teams 25

26 III. 結果與討論 7 Trials –4 homework tests –4 unit tests 26

27 Reference & unknown groups Trial 1 Group 作業 1 單元 1 作業 1 SN 單元 1 SN Mean (SN) MD HighMediumLow HighMediumLow O F A G I M H N B P C K D J L E

28 MDs of unknown group 28

29 Verification 29

30 Dysfunctional teams in 7 Trials Team Trial M △○ C △○△○△○ △○ D △○△○△ N △○△△ P △○ J △△ L △○△ E △○△○△○△○ △ : 馬氏距離 ○ : X-Y 30

31 IV. 結論 Proposed a Computer-aided assessment tool Quantified quality using Taguchi SN Identified dysfunctional teams using MD metric Verified via field experiments 31

32 Engineering & Educational Research William the Conqueror

33 5. Q&A

34 Thank you for your attention C.M. Hsiung 福建农林大学 34

35 Research at FAFU Scientific Creativity –Develop a Tool –Compare cross- culturally –Develop an instructional method –Examine peer- influence Problem Finding –Develop a Tool –Compare cross- culturally –Develop an instructional method –Examine peer- influence