Developing the Intellect through Inquiry and Investigation Structures -Fall 2014
Meet the Teacher(s) Insert Image (s)
Meet the Administration Principal: Assistant Principal: Insert image
(Insert your school name) FUTURA Center Schedule Serving: Monday- Tuesday- Wednesday- Thursday- Friday-
FUTURA Goals #1 To become divergent creative thinkers who recognize problems and solve them. #2 To construct personal meaning and understanding of others and of the world around them. #3 To develop the capacity for self assessment. (ownership of the learning)
Expectations Involvement in active learning Development and use of planning strategies Utilization of problem solving techniques Application of core content learning to projects and products Flexibility and critical thinking Collaboration with fellow students Perseverance and task commitment Maintenance of proper classroom decorum
Structur es: 4 meet the needs of the designer/user. 4 provide frameworks. 4 are self-supporting. 4 can be modified. 4 are a meaningful arrangement of elements.
Possible Topics Under Structures
Systems 4 Systems have a design 4 Systems have a function 4 Systems have boundaries 4 Systems can change 4 Systems have parts that interact Essential Understandings:
Possible Systems Units
Independent Interest Centers 4 Satisfy curiosities 4 Develop tenacity 4 Foster independence
Assessments 1 st Skill 2nd2nd 2nd2nd STGoal Setting STGiven the opportunity, the student does not demonstrate this skill Attempts to set goals but unable to meet them Sets appropriate goals and works to meet them with guidance Independentl y sets appropriate goals and works to meet them Independently sets and meets appropriate goals Independently sets and meets appropriately challenging goals
Renzulli Learning Same log-in Personal profile Recommended activities Assignments
Our Typical Day Students are transported by bus from their home school to and from (insert school name) Elementary. Interest Centers Structures Curriculum Enrichment Lunch and Recess
Your Attendance Is Important To Us! If your student is going to be absent, please contact your child’s home school as well as the FUTURA center. (Insert FUTURA center school name) Elementary at (insert phone number).
Hungry? Lunch Time is (insert time)
Communication Binder FUTURA News Completed Assignments and Graded Rubrics
FUTURA Website Insert URL for your school
Required Forms at FUTURA Emergency Form Student Rights and Responsibilities Contact Information Card Emergency
Medicines at FUTURA Make sure the (insert school name) clinic has any medications/forms your child might need.
Make-Up Work Policy All students have two days to make-up essential base school work. *Please let us know, if this becomes a stressful issue for your child.
Withdrawals or Changes in Placement
Parent Concerns/Conferences (Insert school name) Elementary Insert school phone # Best times to call: 8:00-8:45 am 1:45-2:45 pm Insert address
Giving Tree : Please take a note if you are able to contribute.