Seed Potato Production in Montana Dr. Nina Zidack Director, Montana Seed Potato Certification
Montana Potato Industry 9,800 Acres in 20089,800 Acres in % of seed potatoes for US crop14.4% of seed potatoes for US crop $38.4 million$38.4 million
Montana Acreage since 2000
MT Rules for Certification No out-of-state seed potatoes can be grown for certification –All new varieties must come through MSU Certification lab 100% testing on nuclear and Generation 1 –No nuclear or Generation 1 potatoes sold outside of state Post Harvest Test Required for all lots –100% tested for 3 potato viruses
Limited Generations Tissue Culture –Plantlets, Microtubers Nuclear Generation 1 Generation 2 Generation 3 Generation 4
Field Inspections
Important Diseases and Pests for Certification
Potato Virus Y (PVY) Yield Limiting Tuber borne Aphid transmission Multiple strain types –PVY O, PVY N, PVY N:O, PVY NT PVY NT:N –High Recombination Frequency
Vectors of Concern for Certification – Aphids
Circulative or persistent transmission Process may take 24 hrs or more!
Stylet borne or non-persistant transmission
Process is virtually instantaneous! Virus sticks to mouthparts and is wiped off during and is wiped off during next probing event
Leafhoppers – Phytoplasma Diseases
Potato Psyllids – Zebra Chip
Stubby Root Nematode – Tobacco Rattle Virus (Corky Ringspot)
Aphid Control Carbamates –Aldicarb™, Vydate Organophosphates –Methamidophos (Monitor™) Pyrethroids –Cyfluthrin (Baythroid™, Leverage™) –Esfenvalerate (Asana™) Mineral Oils Neonicotinoid - Seed Treatments, In-Furrow, Foliar Feeding Inhibitors –Pymetrozine (Fulfill™)
Neonicotinoids Common NameTrade NameSeed Piece In- Furrow Foliar ImidaclopridAdmire Pro™xxx Gaucho™x Provado™, Leverage™x ThiamethoxamCruiser™, Platinum™xx Actara™x ClothianidinBelay™xxx AcetamipridAssail™x
Resistance Management Neonicotinoids –Chemistries provide multiple options for application Colorado Potato Beetle Resistance White fly resistance development –Only use one application per growing season
Strobilurins –Azoxystrobin (Quadris™), Pyraclistrobin (Headline™) Contact Fungicides –Chlorothalonil (Bravo™), Maneb™, Mancozeb (Dithane™, Manzate™) Carboxamides –Boscalid (Endura™, Flutolanil™) Phenylamide –Metalaxyl (Ridomil™) Cyanoacetamide –Cymoxanil (Curzate™) Foliar Disease Control
Seed Piece Treatments Benzamidazoles –Thiabendazole (Mertect™) Aromatic hydrocarbon –PCNB (Blocker™) Thiophanate –Thiophanate-methyl (Tops, Topsin M™) Carboxamide –Flutolanil (Moncoat™) Phenylpyrrole –Fludioxonil (Maxim™)
IR-4 Projects FENPYROXIMATE - Miticide FLUDIOXONIL + AZOXYSTROBIN – postharvest Foliar Disease Biological Control – Bacillus mycoides
Needs for Montana Seed Potato Production Diverse modes of action in chemistry Diverse tactics