Asbestos in Montana A presentation of the geological, ecological, and social implications of Vermiculite mining near Libby, Montana Christopher Currie Olivia Thomson Geology 361
Introduction Vermiculite Mining in Libby, Montana Zonolite Brand Vermiculite supplied 90% of World Tremolite (Asbestos) Contamination from Mining and Environmental Pollution Seattle Post-Intellingencer Breaks Story in 1999 Revealed W.R. Grace & Company hid affects of Asbestos from Residents Largest US Environmental Litigation takes place in Montana Disease rate 40-60% larger than national average. Hundreds Killed & Thousands Affected
Geology Local Libby Geology Rainy Creek Igneous Complex Vermiculite Sources, Uses, Methods of Extraction Environmental Issues Exfoliated Asbestos within Vermiculite Ore
What is Asbestos? Vermiculite Tremolite - Ca2 Mg5 Si8 O22 (OH)2 Zonolite brand Vermiculite and its uses Fireproofing, Insulation, Ceiling Tiles, Heat Disperal In Libby: Yards, Football Fields, Playgrounds, Parks A common insulation found in many building, including the one you are in now…
Libby as a Case Study History of Local Mining Libby’s Contamination Libby Clean-up and Superfund Litigation and Ongoing Struggles Mesothelioma, Cancer EPA Declares Public Health Emergency W.R. Grace acquitted in 2009 Case
Lessons and Conclusions Moving Forward in Libby A Legacy of Mining in Rural Western Communities Libby and its Relationship to Environmental Geology Social, Ecological, and Geological Issues
Sources Cited Bandli, B. R., Gunter, M. E., Twamley, B., Foit, F. F., Jr., and Cornelius, S. B. 2003. Optical, compositional, morphological, and x-ray data on eleven particles of amphibole from Libby, Montana, U.S.A. Can. Mineral. 41:1241 1253. Bandli, B. R., Gunter, M. E. 2006. A Review of scientific literature examining the mining history, geology, mineralogy, and amphibole asbestos health effects of the rainy creek Igneous complex, Libby, Montana, U.S.A. Informa Healthcare. 949-962. Gunter, M. E., Dyar, M. D., Twamley, B., Foit, F. F., and Cornelius, S. 2003. Composition, Fe3+ / Fe, and crystal structure of non- asbestiform and asbestiform amphiboles from Libby, Montana, U.S.A. Am. Mineral. 88:1970 1978. Gunter, M. E., Singleton, E., Bandli, B. R., Meeker, G., and Lowers, H. A. 2005. Differentiation of commercial vermiculite based on statis- tical analysis of bulk chemical data: Fingerprinting vermiculite from Libby, Montana U.S.A. Am. Mineral. 90:749 754.