How do we understand discipleship?
Discipleship = Directed Relationship
Direction without relationship is the kind of “discipleship” that says, “Read this book. Take this class. Listen to these sermons. Memorize these answers. Follow these steps.”
Relationship without direction is the kind of “discipleship” that says, “Let’s just hang out. Let’s meet every week for coffee. How about getting a softball team together?”
Discipleship = Directed Relationship
Directed to what end? Maturity – Col. 1:28-29
Discipleship = Spiritual Parenting (1 Thess. 2:6-8,11-12; 1 Cor. 4:15; 1 Tim. 1:2; Titus 1:4)
Where should discipleship happen in the life of the church?
Great Commission Ordinances Corporate Worship The Word Preached One Anothers Ministry according to spiritual giftedness
Prayer The Word Worship Fasting Giving
Mission-specific Training (knowledge & skill) Ministry Alongside Gaining a Shepherd Heart
Mentoring “Imitate me” Life on Life
Normal for every believer Ongoing patterns of life Growth to maturity
Gaining Victory Overcoming Obstacles Thinking Biblically Healing Wounds
Reconciling Relationships Handling Conflict Maintaining Harmony
Preventing falls into sin Rescuing any who fall into sin Restoring straying sheep
Intensive Periodic Problem Solving