Audrey Allums Montana Department of Transportation State Programs Meeting August 5, 2010 Seattle
Montana Profile VA IL Yaak Chicago D.C. Alzada The distance between Yaak and Alzada, Montana ( 744 miles) is greater than the distance between Washington D.C. and Chicago Our largest city, Billings, has 100,000 people. State population is less than 1 million.
1. Missoula Ravalli Transportation Management Association Vanpool 2. Missoula Urban Transportation District Upgrade of downtown Transfer Center 3. Bozeman Additional fleet to increase service area and replace older buses 4. North Central Montana Facilities to support a regional transit system
MONTANA Project: Missoula Transfer Center Renovation (Bus and Bus Livability) Sponsor: Montana Department of Transportation Amount: $119,000 Renovations to the existing Mountain Line Transfer Center will include streetscape and sidewalk improvements, signage, benches, expansion of office space, and installation of exterior solar powered lighting to increase the energy efficiency of the facility.
Objective 1: Identify and understand Federal agency programs and practices related to or supporting the livability principles. Objective 2: Ascertain what peer states are doing to address livability. Objective 3: Identify and understand Montana community-level definitions of livability. The definitions may vary according to the diversity of communities across Montana from urban to rural to extremely rural. Objective 4: Identify practices and policies MDT and other state agencies have in place that meet the six livability principles. Objective 5: Determine potential opportunities for MDT to meet the six livability principles.