Flathead Valley Childhood & Family Advisory Council.


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Presentation transcript:

Flathead Valley Childhood & Family Advisory Council

Introductions Brittany MacLean, Coordinator  MS in Nonprofit Management & Urban Policy  Background in Community Building & Project Management  Mother of 4  Deep belief in the health of our children directly relating to the health of our world

Your Gifts & Insights  Please choose a picture  Think about how it might be a metaphor for the approach, or gifts, you bring to your work with children, family, or the community  My name is ________. I represent (agency or recent work.) I chose the __________ because like the ____________, I bring ___________ to my work with children & families.

Background of State Advisory Council  The Montana Governor’s office was the applicant for funding dedicated by the federal Office of Head Start  Governor’s office received funding & the Early Childhood Services Bureau was designated as the lead agency  $664,000 was received by the state for council work & guidance/collaboration on 5 additional federal grant programs

Principle Objectives of this new “Best Beginnings” Advisory Council  Provide high quality Early Childhood & Family Support programs  Provide a comprehensive approach to addressing the social, emotional, physical and mental health of children and families in Montana.  Form and support Community Councils throughout Montana

Six Montana Community Councils Funded  Eastern Montana Community Councils (Glendive, Sidney & Miles City)  Missoula Best Beginnings Council  Ravalli County Community Council  Early Childhood Coalition of the Greater Helena Area  Greater Gallatin School Readiness Team  Flathead Valley Early Childhood & Family Advisory Council

Evolution  years of pioneer leaders – both people and organizations – striving to bring attention and resources to the health of children & families, especially ages 0-5  The newly established Council to the Governor & our Flathead Valley Early Childhood Council represents an exciting culmination and achievement

Our Council  Appointed members  Steering Committee has met to provide overall guidance & structure  Decisions & Recommendations will be taken directly to the Governor’s Advisory Council  Decisions & Recommendations will be made using the Consensus Model (more info to follow at subsequent meetings)  Important to maintain attendance at council meetings  Ad hoc members may be added to committee  Meetings will always include a public comment section of the agenda

Original conception and grant application  Initial meeting was coordinated by The Nurturing Center and United Way  About 30 organizations were represented and agreed that we need better collaboration in our community  The Nurturing Center was chosen as fiscal agent and asked to apply for grant on behalf of council  Grant was awarded making our Council one of the 7 Best Beginning Councils in Montana working directly with the Governor’s Best Beginnings Council.  We were originally funded for a half time coordinator

Vision  To effectively identify -- and offer recommendations for addressing -- the root issues effecting families & young children in the Flathead Valley  To create a collaborative comprehensive system of care for families, especially with children ages 0-5  To make certain the work of the Council is not short lived or project driven

Goals  To make certain families with young children are supported in their communities  To provide children with access to high quality Early Childhood programs, a medical home, and medical insurance  To support the social, emotional, and mental health needs of young children and families

Areas of Focus  Please share, from your perspective, what you feel has had the largest impact on the lives of young children, ages 0-5, and their families during the past 5-10 years.

Who are we missing?  What additional members do we need to appoint?  Confirmed, but unable to attend this meeting:  Superintendent Whitefish Schools  County Superintendent  President FAEYC  3 additional child care providers  Director Childshare of Montana

Outcomes & Requirements  Complete accurate and thorough Needs Assessment (standardized documentation of trends, issues and data)  Use Needs Assessment to back up initial Council recommendations & make new ones  Identify gaps in services to families & children  Complete a Strategic Plan detailing findings, tasks & outcomes

Additional Funding for Council  Bureau of Public Health and Bureau of Early Childhood Services completed a secondary grant for funding local community councils  Local Councils are eligible for up to $100,000 to support infrastructure work in the community  The funds will be primarily used for funding coordinators, administrative support and completing a comprehensive needs assessment.

Stay Creative & Inspired  Know that in the midst of jargon, data, committees and tasks we WILL BRING POSITIVE CHANGE  We carry the work of many visionaries before us. Children, mothers, fathers, and our entire community depend on our focus and on our vision  Be the change you see; & Never lose faith

Next Meeting  I will be sending date choices for February  Happy Holidays!