N ATIONAL C ONFERENCE ON I NTEGRATED B ASIC S KILLS P ATHWAYS B ELLEVUE, W ASHINGTON A PRIL 30 TH, 2014 New High School Equivalency Exams: Opportunities, Challenges, and Implications for Integrated Pathways
ETS-HiSETGED 2014TASC Owner Educational Testing Service, non- profit Pearson/ACE, for-profitCTB/McGraw Hill, for-profit Cost (this will vary from state to state depending on admin costs and subsidies) $50 plus local and state admin costs Total $50-$125 $80 plus local and state admin costs Total $80-$160 $52 plus local and state admin costs Total $52-$65, $92 in IN and NJ Subjects Tested Language Arts, Writing Language Arts, Reading Mathematics Social Studies Science Reasoning Through Language Arts Reasoning Through Mathematics Science Social Studies Language Arts, Writing Language Arts, Reading Mathematics Social Studies Science Alignment to Common Core Phase I aligned to ELA and Math CCSS; Phase II complete alignment Aligned to the CCSSWill phase in CCSS content over the next 3 years FormatOnline and paperOnlineOnline and paper HSE Exams at-a-Glance
High School Equivalency Exams by State: HiSET HiSET IowaNew Jersey LouisianaTennessee MissouriMaine MassachusettsWyoming Montana New Hampshire Nevada
High School Equivalency Exams by State: TASC TASC Nevada New Jersey New York Indiana West Virginia Wyoming
High School Equivalency Exams by State: GED 2014 GED 2014 MarylandMassachusettsNorth CarolinaSouth Carolina HawaiiIdahoNorth DakotaSouth Dakota IllinoisKansasOhioTennessee KentuckyMichiganOklahomaTexas MinnesotaMississippiOregonUtah NebraskaNevadaPennsylvaniaVermont New JerseyNew MexicoRhode IslandVirginia WashingtonWisconsinWyoming
Evaluation Synthesis Analysis Application Comprehension Knowledge Conceptual Framework: Bloom’s Taxonomy (old)
Creating Evaluating Analyzing Applying Understanding Remembering Conceptual Framework: Bloom’s Taxonomy (new)
Conceptual Framework: Webb’s Depth of Knowledge 1. Recall and Reproduction2. Skills and Concepts3. Short-term Strategic Thinking4. Extended Thinking
New Landscape, New Considerations TASC, GED or HiSET: all tests emphasize the need for deeper learning and more rigorous assessment of college and career readiness. Multiple choices in HSE exams present challenges in implementation and preparation for programs and instructors. Most promising models are designed with a career credential as an explicit goal, linked to an integrated pathway.
Discussion Questions What test(s) does your state use? What challenges and opportunities does your state face around: Instruction (including new ways of teaching and new content to cover) Professional Development Policy (both state and institutional) Funding Student Outcomes
TEL FAX Broad Street, 8 th Floor, Boston, MA C Street, NW, Suite 650, Washington, DC Contact Info Sean Martin WorkReady U Louisiana Community and Technical College System Reecie Stagnolia Kentucky Adult Education Council on Postsecondary Education Amy Girardi Jobs for the Future