North Texas Demographic Characteristics and Trends DFW International Luncheon Dallas Public Library May 19, 2010 Dallas, TX
Fastest Growing States, State 2000 Population* 2008 Population* Numerical Change Percent Change Texas 20,851,82024,326,9743,465, California 33,871,64836,756,6662,885, Florida 15,982,37818,328,8402,346, Georgia 8,186,4539,685,7441,499, Arizona 5,130,6326,500,1801,369, North Carolina 8,049,3139,222,4141,173, Virginia 7,078,5157,769,089690, Washington 5,894,1216,549,224655, Nevada 1,998,2572,600,167601, Colorado 4,301,2614,939,456638, * Population values are decennial census counts for April 1 for 2000 and estimates for July 1 for Source:Derived from U.S. Bureau of the Census Estimates for dates indicated by the Texas State Data Center, University of Texas at San Antonio.
Percent Change Due to Year*Population Numerical Change Natural Increase Net Migration Percent Change Natural Increase Net Migration 19507,711, ,579,6771,868,4831,754,652113, ,196,7301,617,0531,402,683214, ,229,1913,032,4611,260,7941,771, ,986,5102,757,3191,815,670941, ,851,8203,865,3101,919,2811,946, ,326,9743,475,1541,884,9471,563, *All values for the decennial dates are for the indicated census year. Values for 2008 is for July 1 as estimated by the U.S. Bureau of the Census. Source:Derived from U.S. Bureau of the Census Estimates for dates indicated by the Texas State Data Center, University of Texas at San Antonio. Total Population and Components of Population Change in Texas,
State of Residence of the Estimated Unauthorized Immigrant Population: January 2009 and 2000 Source: U.S. Department of Homeland Security.
Percent Change in Estimated Unauthorized Immigrant Population by State of Residence: January 2009 and 2000 Source: U.S. Department of Homeland Security.
Estimates of Hispanic population (2008) and unauthorized residents (2009), Texas Sources: U.S. Bureau of the Census, American Community Survey, 2008 and U.S. Department of Homeland Security.
Source:Texas State Data Center 2008 Population Projections Year Projected Population Growth in Texas,
Racial and Ethnic Composition
Sources:U.S. Bureau of the Census, 2007 American Community Survey Microdata File Texas and Metroplex Economic Region, Racial and Ethnic Composition, 2007 Metroplex Economic Region Texas
% of Growth Due to Each Ethnicity in Texas, , , , and Source:U.S. Census Counts, and Texas State Data Center 2008 Population Projections, 0.5 Scenario
Source:Texas State Data Center 2008 Population Projections, 0.5 Migration Scenario Projected Ethnic Change in the State of Texas,
Projected percent race and ethnic distribution for Metroplex Economic Region Source:Texas State Data Center 2008 Population Projections, 0.5 Migration Scenario
Geographic Distribution
Estimated domestic in and out migration ( ) by county as a percentage of 2000 population Source: Population Division, U.S. Census Bureau, March 19, 2009
Estimated international migration ( ) by county as a percentage of 2000 population Source: Population Division, U.S. Census Bureau, March 19, 2009
Source:Texas State Data Center 2008 Population Projections, 0.5 Migration Scenario
English Learners
Percent of the population 5 and over who speak English less than well by state, 2008 Source: American Community Survey, 2008
Language spoken at home, 2008 Source: American Community Survey, 2008
Social and Economic Characteristics
Educational Attainment in 2000 in Texas for Persons 25+ Years of Age By Race/Ethnicity Percent Source: American Community Survey, 2008
Percent of Population Who Are Foreign-Born Source: U.S. Bureau of the Census, American Community Survey, 2008
Percent of Adults 25+ With Bachelor’s or Graduate/Professional Degree Source: U.S. Bureau of the Census, American Community Survey, 2008
Education of persons 25 years old and older Source: American Community Survey 3-Year Estimates, U.S. Census Bureau
Contact Office: Lloyd B. Potter, Ph.D., M.P.H