2013 Thinking Maps Lesson English 4/Pre-AP10 Argument Essay
Essay Timeline Day 1:Circle Map (brainstorm ideas) Day 2:Flee Map (organize ideas) Essay Body Rough Draft Day 3:Brace Map (intro & conclusion) Day 4:Tree Map (sentence fluency) Bridge Map (word choice) Day 5:Final Draft – in class only
Circle Map
Essay Topic idea/quote source idea/quote
Circle Map Essay Topic idea/quote source idea/quote HOW do you know what you know – personal experience, research data, expert testimony, etc.? WHAT does this map reveal? What conclusions can you draw from the information here? WHY is this information important?
Flee Map
Paragraph 1 Topic Paragraph 2 Topic Paragraph 3 Topic Essay Topic & Stance
Flee Map Paragraph 1 Topic Paragraph 2 Topic Paragraph 3 Topic Essay Topic & Stance Supporting details, elaborations, direct quotes, paraphrases, emotional & logical appeals, etc.
Flee Map Paragraph 1 Topic Paragraph 2 Topic Paragraph 3 Topic Essay Topic & Stance Supporting details, elaborations, direct quotes, paraphrases, emotional & logical appeals, etc. HOW do details support or prove your stance? WHAT do these particular details reveal about the topic? WHY are these details particularly important to note in your essay?
Ethos – Pathos - Logos Ethos – ethical appeal – Prove your credibility by using academic voice, strong vocabulary, correct grammar Pathos – emotional appeal – Appeal to emotions by using connotations and emotional stories and examples Logos – logical appeal – Convince audience by using logic or reason – Cite facts, statistics, & authorities – Use historical and literal analogies – Construct logical arguments
Brace Map Introduction Hook Background Thesis Topic Stance Focus/STs
Brace Map Introduction Hook Background Thesis Topic Stance Focus/STs WHAT does this thesis tell my reader about the essay to follow? WHY is this background information important? HOW will this “hook” engage my reader?
Brace Map Conclusion Restate topic & stance 1 sentence re. Paragraph 1 topic 1 sentence re. Paragraph 2 topic 1 sentence re. Paragraph 3 topic Logical conclusion to discussion
Brace Map Conclusion Restate topic & stance 1 sentence re. Paragraph 1 topic 1 sentence re. Paragraph 2 topic 1 sentence re. Paragraph 3 topic Logical conclusion to discussion WHY is it important to close with these particular points? HOW does this conclusion create a sense of closure for my reader? WHAT emotion will this closing likely evoke in my reader?
Tree Map Simple Sentences Compound Sentences Complex Sentences Write sentences on these lines. Then combine and separate to balance the lists and increase fluency. Body Paragraph ___ Fluency
Tree Map Simple Sentences Compound Sentences Complex Sentences Write sentences on these lines. Then combine and separate to balance the lists and increase fluency. WHAT types of structures do you use the most in this essay? HOW do these structures affect the essay’s flow or fluency? WHY is it important, in terms of your ethical appeal (i.e., credibility as an author), to revise the sentences in this particular paragraph? Body Paragraph ___ Fluency
Bridge Map is a more effective word choice than Original word New word as Original word
Bridge Map is a more effective word choice than Original word New word as WHAT types of word choice issues did you find in your essay – ambiguity, clichés, informality, repetition, incorrect terms? HOW do your original word choices affect the essay’s tone, mood, and/or effectiveness? How will your substitutions affect these elements? WHY is it important, in terms of your ethical appeal (i.e., credibility as an author), to make these substitutions? Original word