Safe-Con, LLC Scaffold Safety Preview Safe-Con, LLC 5714 Merlin St. Madison, WI This is a preview of Safe-Con, LLC’s Scaffold Training Program. Slides shown in this preview were taken from the complete program.
Safe-Con, LLC Stupid Set-ups The plank is supported by an extension ladder, a closed step ladder and a straight ladder. The guardrails are not acceptable. There is no stability
Safe-Con, LLC Scope, Application Covers all scaffolds used in workplaces. Does not apply to crane or derrick suspended personnel platforms, which are covered by (g). Aerial lifts are covered
Safe-Con, LLC Scaffold Requirements Be on a firm foundation with base plates Be plumb, square and adequately braced Have a fully planked work deck Have guardrails over 10 feet Be tied in over 4 Vert./1 Horiz. high Have an adequate means of access
Safe-Con, LLC Scaffold Capacity Must be able support its own weight and 4 times the maximum intended load. Scaffolds must be designed by a qualified person. They must and built and loaded within design.
Safe-Con, LLC Competent Persons All scaffolds must be erected, moved, dismantled or altered only under the supervision of a competent person
Safe-Con, LLC Scaffold Foundations Scaffolds must have base plates, even when setting on a concrete floor. Also, the lack of a base plate could damage the scaffold leg.
Safe-Con, LLC Scaffold Foundations Scaffold legs must be set on base plates and adequate mudsills. There is no base plate and the scrap plywood is not adequate. The scaffold frame could penetrate the plywood.
Safe-Con, LLC Never on Masonry! Scaffolds should never be set on bricks, masonry blocks, etc. These are not structural elements and could crush under the scaffold load.
Safe-Con, LLC Good Foundations Mason’s Adjustable Hydro-mobile Frames
Safe-Con, LLC Plumb & Level The Scaffold It all starts in the first bay. If it is set plumb and square, the rest will follow.
Safe-Con, LLC Guardrails are required at 10 feet. Fall protection can be used in lieu of guardrails on some scaffolds. Top rails must be 38” to 45” high You must have a mid rail. Use of cross bracing is allowed in lieu of top rail or mid rails in some cases but not both. Guardrails (g)
Safe-Con, LLC Use of Braces for Guardrails Brace can be used as a Top Rail.
Safe-Con, LLC Mobile Scaffolds Diagonal Brace Full Guardrails All Frame Bracing Fully Planked Deck Proper Access Stack Pins Locked Level Surface Total Height Less than 4 times Base
Safe-Con, LLC Training Requirements Workers must be trained in –Nature of electrical, fall, and falling object hazards –Correct procedures for protection of above –Proper use of the scaffold –Load capacities of scaffolds –Requirements of OSHA’s Subpart L Retraining as necessary to restore proficiency
Safe-Con, LLC Pump Jack Scaffolds Must have an 18” platform. Must have guardrails or other fall protection BAD! GOOD!