How to create a reference page using MLA documentation
Book With One Author Books I used in my research: Author’s Last Name , Author’s First Name . Name of Book . City where book published : Publisher, Year Published. Print. Practice: Put the following information into correct MLA format. Name of book= The Seven Stages of Man Author = Nicole Widener Published by Harcourt Brace in New York in 2010.
Book With One Author Widener, Nicole. The Seven Stages of Man. New York: Harcourt Brace, 2010. Print. Notice that the title is underlined-if you are writing your entry on your reference page, you underline. If you type it, you should use italics. Notice the punctuation!!
Encyclopedias Encyclopedias I used in my research: “Name of article (topic).” Name of Encyclopedia . Year ed. Print. Practice: Put the following information into correct MLA format. I used the Encyclopedia Britannica to find an article about the evolution of homo sapiens. It was the 2009 edition.
MLA format for Encyclopedia “Evolution of Homo-Sapiens.” Encyclopedia Britannica. 2009 ed. Print. Notice the word Print. For print sources, you add Print. For web sources, you add the word Web.
Personal Interviews *Interviews for my research: (Personal Interview) Last name, First name. Personal interview. Date of interview in this order =Day Month Year (no commas) . Practice: Put the following information into correct MLA format. I interviewed Dr. John Stein at the University of South Carolina about anthropology on Sept. 9 2010.
Personal Interview Stein, John. Personal interview. 9 Sept. 2010. Notice that the 2nd line (and any following line) is indented.
Website If there was info. you couldn’t find, leave it out and go on to next item to list. Author (Last, First name) . “Name of Article.” Name of Web Page. Published or Edited by. Date Page Published . Web. Date Pg. Accessed. Practice with YOUR info.
Sample Sheppard, Lisa. “Father Involvement Shows Positive Outcomes.” Urban Programs Resource Network. University of Illinois. Apr. 2001. Web. 29 Aug. 2010. *Don’t forget to put in Web.
Other Rules for Reference Page Put entries in alphabetical order by first word of entry. Do NOT number entries. Indent the 2nd line, 3rd line, etc. of an entry. Skip a line between entries.
References “Evolution of Homo-Sapiens.” Encyclopedia Britannica. 2009 ed. Print. Stein, John. Personal interview. 9 Sept. 2010. Widener, Nicole. The Seven Stages of Man. New York: Harcourt Brace, 2010. Print.