This wall Section takes One Hour to Install Vertical Re-Bar Quick Forming 12” hook into Tie Beam This wall Section takes One Hour to Install Exterior Corner Forming with Metal, or Plywood Vertical Re-Bar
Benefits of an All Wall Eco-Home that Concrete Block Homes "DO NOT" have. All Wall System, which makes up your exterior walls is basically Fire Proof. By code it is defined as having a 2- hour fire rating, is non-combustible and is non-flammable. This makes any fire take longer to get to the Roof, if it gets there at all. This allows for a longer response time from the Fire Department which will help minimize damage to your home. Block homes fire rating is zero. Block homes have 1x2 furring strips, paper blown insulation, and gypsum drywall board, all of which are combustible and/or flammable. (feeds a fire) All Wall System is designed with materials placed such that it qualifies as one of the BEST mildew resistant walls available today. (Mildew Web Page) Block homes have 1x2 furring strips, paper blown insulation, and gypsum drywall board, all of which hold moisture and therefore promotes the growth of mold and mildew like in wood framed homes and in steel framed homes that have to use plywood on the exterior for strength. (hence all the law suits) All Wall System is Termite Proof. Block Homes feed termites and house termites because they have wood furring on the inside wall with insulation and drywall board. All Wall System is one of the best sealed home envelopes available today. Concrete is poured continuous all around the home with non-porous concrete and with a 4" non-porous foam in the middle of the concrete. This creates a less chance of bacteria air-borne germs, as in biological warfare. Block Homes are made with porous concrete and has air in the middle that can create moisture when the temperature differences between the house and outside air is great enough. This is why blocks have to be installed in a 1" recess and All Wall can be installed on flat, easier to construct, slab. The mortar placed between 100's of blocks can easily have an air and bug crawl space in it.
(more) Benefits of an All Wall Eco-Home that Concrete Block Homes "DO NOT" have. All Wall's energy efficiency makes your home appraise higher. (Whole Wall R-Value Web Page) Block Homes will appraise as the price you pay for it. All Wall gives you more Usable Floor Space in your home. This will increase your appraisal, also. Block Home walls take up more space and are not as strong as All Wall. All Wall System has Galvanized (won't rust in concrete, same as the truss straps that hold your roof on) Structural C-Studs embedded in the wall. Actually, there are more C-Studs in this wall system than in a home that is built with C-Studs, instead of wood studs. This makes All Wall superior in Hurricane, Tornado, and Earthquake resistance. Block homes use metal that looks like 5" x 5" squares made of clothes hanger size steel rods. All Wall requires less pesticides to stop pests. Pesticides will be outside the home. Block Homes require pesticides in a greater quantity. If you would like to print a presentation document with pictures for even easier understanding of how an All Wall Eco-Home compares to Block Homes (click here).
Summary of All Wall Composition TM The All Wall system is a patented, factory assembled, panelized building component comprised of six inch, 20 gauge metal C studs placed vertically at 14 1/2 inches on center and fastened into a 20 gauge metal track. A four inch rigid Styrofoam insulating panel is placed, centered between all studs, leaving a one inch void from the foam face on each side to the edge of the studs. This assembly is then covered with a 5/16” cement board on both sides of the studs, and fastened at each stud 6” on center. Each of these panels (typically 4 feet wide) are manufactured in varying widths, depending upon the building design/size, and are typically continuous in height from the floor to ceiling. All required openings, i.e., windows; doors, etc. are provided for within the panelized units. At the jobsite, the completed units are stood up, typical code compliant re-bar placed, and the completed assembly structure is filled with concrete.
…continued Summary of All Wall Composition TM Once filled with concrete, the system exceeds ALL national building codes. The system eliminates concrete formwork and formwork bracing associated with formwork design, which is typically utilized to retain the pressures of concrete when in the liquid state. In essence, the system prior to filling with concrete, is a stay in place form. Additionally, since there is ‘virtually no field formwork’, there is ‘very little formwork to strip’ after the concrete is placed/cured. This saves additional time and waste. All Wall, also eliminates the typical furring, insulation and drywall process. Since the 4 inch foam is encapsulated within the concrete, (which provides a comparable R-37 insulating factor), and the cement board is already factory installed, (which acts as the drywall), all that is required to finish the inside is the usual taping, finishing and painting. The exterior can receive cement stucco, siding, or even synthetic finishes. In conclusion, All Wall provides a faster, stronger building component that exceeds all codes, is easy to install and costs LESS to live in than other conventional methods of construction.
Wall heights of: 8’, 10’, 12’, 16’, 18’ and 21’, etc. We have installed thousands of SF of this system. Wall heights of: 8’, 10’, 12’, 16’, 18’ and 21’, etc.
With Window openings and door openings you can expect the This picture shows filling a 4 ft by 12 ft tall wall section with concrete. The time it takes to fill 4 LF of wall, when filling a 12 ft tall wall, is a little over 2 minutes. With Window openings and door openings you can expect the filling of an 8’ tall wall to be at a rate of one (1) LF every 30 seconds.. Calculations: For a 220 LF wall that is 8 feet tall it takes: 220 * 30 seconds / 60 sec. / 60 min. per hour 2 hours, to fill the walls of a 3,000 SF Home.
Fabrication Pictures Manufacturing can be as easy as working off of a table to using panelizing machinery Cutting the interior and exterior cement boards is easily performed with shears that do not create dust.
Stand them, Brace them, Place re-bars in tie beam, Fill with Concrete All Window and Door openings are fabricated in the Factory Electricians install the boxes in the field (Boxes installed at a rate 2 times faster than in block construction) Stand them, Brace them, Place re-bars in tie beam, Fill with Concrete
Through extensive research, including the psychology of the concrete pumper that holds the hose, we have determined the best way to assure proper filling at the site.
...... is designed to be installed with a hand labor force team, with NO heavy equipment required. This information informs you, the client, That this system has been used and is as …. EASY to erect and install as we claim. The Strength of the system is supported by Outside Consultant Engineers, because … We Exceed … The requirements of ALL Building Codes.
Wind Load Resistance - Example - 27,000 lbs 85 psf Loads from 150 MPH Winds
Advantages Stronger Costs Less to Live in Faster to Construct Minimum Pesticides Non-Combustible R-37 Insulation Quick forming 12” hook in Tie Beam This wall Section takes One Hour to Install Exterior Corner Forming Vertical Re-Bar
All Wall System - Installation Fill with concrete Stand up Panel #1, and temporarily brace to stay in place. Install two (2) masonry fasteners thru the bottom track into the slab. (for alignment only) Drill a ¾” diameter by 6” deep hole and fill hole with Epoxy. Insert a #5 Rebar dowel with 12” hook into the hole. Stand up the next panel Clip to Panel #1 with two(2) ½” by 2” by 4” pieces of plywood using screws, to stay in place. Install one(1) masonry fastener thru the bottom track into the slab. Drill a ¾” diameter x 6” deep hole and fill with Epoxy. Insert the #5 Rebar dowel with 12” hook into the hole. Etc. Continue until All Walls are standing. Place the Tie Beam Steel into the Tie Beam area. Place ladder brace on top of panels. Install 2”x2”, 25 ga, stud 14” down from top of wall panels, for string lining the walls. Install thru bolts - Starting 9” from bottom at 20” o.c. up, until 5’ from top of panel. (or Alt. bracing) –Temporary for pouring. Fill with concrete
.. have the Concrete Pump Subcontractor (or Laborer’s) fill the All Wall System with concrete. Slide the ladder off the top. Remove the TEMPORARY bracing for concrete, and the clips that held the panels to each other. Move the “Wall Crew” to the next home You are done !
Multi-Story Details
(954) 325-7578 Fax: (503) 217-1904