Geology of Costa Rica
Geologic Hazards Earthquakes Tsunami Volcanism Slope Hazards
Earthquake Safety You may well experience an earthquake Earthquakes don’t kill people; Buildings kill people We will not be in high risk settings Minor shaking: no hazard Major or prolonged shaking: Get outside Avoid buildings and power lines Trees are well engineered seismically If inside, get under something sturdy or brace in a doorway.
Tsunamis Warning Signs –Strong earthquake on coast –Abrupt changes in sea level – up or down Get to high ground or inland immediately Do not pass Go, do not collect $200
Volcanism We will not go anywhere near active volcanoes or known hazardous areas. If activity occurs, we will evacuate immediately I am a volcano expert. If you see me running, try to catch up.
Slope Hazards Landslides due to earthquakes Mudflows due to heavy rains Get out of the way Get off slope if you sense movement Get away from streams if water level starts to rise
Rips When waves break parallel to a beach, rips occur
Rips, Lake Superior
Oblique Rips
A Subduction Zone
How Arcs Grow
Exotic Terranes
Fit of Continents Across the Atlantic
The Caribbean
Opening of the North Atlantic
Yucatan Rifts Away
Volcanic Plateau Begins to Form
Plateau Encounters Subduction Zone
Yucatan Basin Opens
East Pacific Rise Approaches
Bedded Chert
Pillow Lava