S IMPLE S ENTENCE A sentence that has one complete thought. Examples: My mom and dad went to the movies last night. My sister went to the mall and to the movies.
C OMPOUND S ENTENCE A sentence made up of TWO or more COMPLETE thoughts. Examples: My mom went to the market, and my brother went to the park. My sister ate some popcorn, and I ate some nachos.
H OW CAN WE TELL WHAT TYPE OF SENTENCE IT IS ? 1. Find the conjunction (FANBOYS T) 2. Separate the parts of the sentence using a brace map. 3. Ask yourself, “Does the sentence have ONLY 1 complete thought? If yes, it’s simple. if not, it’s compound. Sally went to the mall and to the movies. Sally went to the mall and to the movies. Simple Sentence!
H OW CAN WE TELL IF IT ’ S A SIMPLE SENTENCE ? 1. Find the conjunction (FANBOYS T.) 2. Separate the parts of the sentence using a brace map. 3. Ask yourself, “Does the sentence have ONLY 1 complete thought? Maria went to the mall, and she had lunch with her friends. Maria went to the mall and she had lunch with her friends. Compound Sentence!
H OW CAN WE TELL IF IT ’ S A SIMPLE SENTENCE ? 1. Find the conjunction (FANBOYS T.) 2. Separate the parts of the sentence using a brace map. 3. Ask yourself, “Does the sentence have ONLY 1 complete thought? The Native Americans lived and hunted in the Coastal Region. The Native Americans lived and hunted in the Costal Region. Simple Sentence!
H OW CAN WE TELL IF IT ’ S A SIMPLE SENTENCE ? 1. Find the conjunction (FANBOYS T) 2. Separate the parts of the sentence using a brace map. 3. Ask yourself, “Does the sentence have ONLY 1 complete thought? Mary fell on the playground, but she did not hurt herself. Mary fell on the playgound but she did not hurt herself. Compound Sentence!
H OW CAN WE TELL IF IT ’ S A SIMPLE SENTENCE ? 1. Find the conjunction (FANBOYS T) 2. Separate the parts of the sentence using a brace map. 3. Ask yourself, “Does the sentence have ONLY 1 complete thought? Peter fell down the steps and broke his foot. Peter fell down the steps and broke his foot. Simple Sentence!
H OW CAN WE TELL IF IT ’ S A SIMPLE SENTENCE ? 1. Find the conjunction (FANBOYS T.) 2. Separate the parts of the sentence using a brace map. 3. Ask yourself, “Does the sentence have ONLY 1 complete thought? Hint- remember your brace map. Compound Sentence! I want to see the elephants, or I want to see the giraffes.
H OW CAN WE TELL IF IT ’ S A SIMPLE SENTENCE ? 1. Find the conjunction (FANBOYS T.) 2. Separate the parts of the sentence using a brace map. 3. Ask yourself, “Does the sentence have ONLY 1 complete thought? Hint: remember your brace map Compound Sentence! I want to the bank, then I went to the mall.
H OW CAN WE TELL IF IT ’ S A SIMPLE SENTENCE ? 1. Find the conjunction (FANBOYS T.) 2. Separate the parts of the sentence using a brace map. 3. Ask yourself, “Does the sentence have ONLY 1 complete thought? Hint: Remember your brace map Compound Sentence! I had five dollars, so I bought an ice cream.
H OW CAN WE TELL IF IT ’ S A SIMPLE SENTENCE ? 1. Find the conjunction (FANBOYS T.) 2. Separate the parts of the sentence using a brace map. 3. Ask yourself, “Does the sentence have ONLY 1 complete thought? Hint: remember your brace map Simple Sentence! I had to pick which shirt to wear red or blue.