Health Care Organization & Administration in Athletic Training Budgetary Concerns
Bellwork Grab and guestimate the “How Much Does It Cost?” worksheet
How Much Does it Cost?
4 Inch by 5 Yard single Ace Bandage $4.95
Ankle Brace $29.95
One 10-Gallon Gatorade Cooler $112.95
Heavy Duty Steel Crutches (1 pair) $88.45
Ice Machine (80 pound capacity) $5,395
Sideline Medical Kit (not filled) $349.95
Athletic Training Tape (32 rolls per box) $60.95
Treatment Table $875
Gauze Pads (4” x 4”; 100 per box) $14.95
Objective Topic: Budgetary Concerns Do: Define & Classify terms used in a budget and Create a Budget Procedure L.O.T.: Creating
Terms Expendable Supplies Nonexpendable Supplies Non-consumable Capital Equipment Capital Equipment Direct Buy Competitive Bidding
Why do we need a budget? Call on non volunteers
Budgetary Concerns Size of budget??? Different settings (high school, college)= different size budgets Continuous process Prioritizing, Planning, Documenting, & Evaluating Yearly inventory (count of supplies) Size of budget can range from $1,000 to $100,000 plus Need to keep tabs on inventory throughout the year Take notes
Supplies and Equipment Items that are needed in the athletic training room to function and treat patients Take notes
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Expendable Supplies Definition Supplies that cannot be reused
Expendable Supplies Use/ Elaboration Supplies mostly used for injury prevention, first aid & management Majority of the budget Tape, band aids, hydrogen peroxide etc.
Expendable Supplies
Nonexpendable Definition Supplies that can be reused
Nonexpendable Use/ Elaboration Compression wraps, scissors, slings, etc.
Non-consumable Capital Equipment Definition Items that can be used for multiple years & not usually removed from the athletic training clinic
Non-consumable Capital Equipment Use/ Elaboration Ice machine, treatment tables
Non-consumable Capital Equipment
Capital Equipment Definition Equipment used for multiple years/ seasons and can be removed from the athletic training clinic
Capital Equipment Use/ Elaboration Crutches, coolers, medical kits
Capital Equipment
Sorting Each small group (3-5 students) will receive a stake of cards (Supply Sort) Sort each supply and equipment into Expendable Non-expendable Non-consumable Capital
Think & Share How do you think an ATC (certified athletic trainer) buys all the equipment and supplies (purchasing systems)? Give students time to think and share. Call on nonvolunteers
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Direct Buy Definition Going straight to a vendor and making an order
Direct Buy Use/ Elaboration For small purchases or emergency purchases directly from a vendor
Direct Buy
Competitive Bidding Definition Getting multiple bids and buying the least expensive
Competitive Bidding Use/ Elaboration Usually for more expensive items Need to specific on items
Competitive Bidding
Design a Procedure in Ordering Supplies Using your white board and groups, what types of procedures would you use in ordering supplies for your own athletic training room/ clinic
Design a Procedure in Ordering Supplies Look at last years order Do inventory (once a year or continuous) Decide what needs to be replenished Expendable Non-expendable Non-consumable capital Capital Decide if direct or competitive bidding Items students should have in their procedure