4/8/2014 Climate Change Informatics: Climate and Health Wiki Page Demo Sam, Trevor, Omar, Maura, Xiaotong
Motivation Many climate data tools available o Well designed interfaces o Multiple variables and models o Provide access to datasets
Novice users need guidance o Terminology o Models o Metadata o Sources Motivation
Formative Study Studied existing data resources o Focus on technical solutions o Tools to smooth data format issues in workflow Interviewed CDC scientists o Focus on county level health officials Interview with BRACE grantee o Focus on documentation Interview with Michigan Department of community Health
Most feasible solution Other ideas faced technical barriers Documentation is urgent need Encourage connection with climate scientists Encourage collaboration Familiar interface Climate Data Wiki & Forum
Key Features, High Level Components Climate models: common models and their simulations Climate variables: plain-English descriptions of climate model variables Resources: a compilation of resources for climate data Glossary: translation of jargon encountered in climate data Forum: ask and answer questions regarding climate data and analyses
Value Proposition Who is the target market, and what is their motivation for using the system? o County level health officials Have accessible, concise explanations of climate data to inform and defend decisions → context o Climate Scientists Have an opportunity to explain their research findings, answer questions related to their data to a thoughtful audience making decisions based on their work o CDC Provides a venue for facilitating discussion, potentially shifts burden of answering questions from staff members to an engaged usership
What does this all mean? Is it even available at my county level?