All About Flats By Samantha Lee
What is a flat? Theatre flats are large pieces of constructed and painted wood that are placed on the stage to serve as scenery for a theatrical event. There are two types of flats, the wooden flat and the muslin flat. Flats are commonly used to mimic walls or scenic views. Also referred to as “scenic flats,” they provide the setting for the scene on the stage and the background for the performance.
Tools and Materials Used for Flats MDF Chipboard Pine Baton Muslin Drill Screws Screwdriver Saw Miter Saw Pencil Tap Measure Tri Square Ruler Hammer Panel Pins
Components of a Flat Rails, Stiles, toggle and the corner braces are the four basic parts to a standard flat frame. Rails are the horizontal top and bottom pieces in the frame. The stiles are the outside vertical members of the frame. The toggle are placed in the frame to keep the stiles at their prescribed distance. Conner brace is a piece of 2” stock cut placed on each end, like part of a picture frame. Rail, stiles, toggles and corner braces butt up against each other in the frame.
Components of a Flat
How to Make a 4”x8” Standard Flat Measure, Cut and Assemble Measure rails, stiles, toggle and corner brace for a standard 4”x8” flat. Assemble them together. Attach Corner Block Attach rails and stiles using corner block. Attach Straps Attach the straps to keep toggle and diagonal brace in place. Attach Muslin Flip the frame over and attach 4”x8” sheet of muslin to the front of the flat. Paint Paint flats to production specifications.
Covering a Flat Frame Laying Out the Muslin Lay the muslin on the dust-free frame, allowing 2” to 3” overhang on all sides. Gluing the Frame Glue one edge at a time. Trimming the Muslin Use sharp utility to trim away the excess material. Sizing Sizing will remove any looseness in the covering and prepare the surface for painting. Back-Painting This is the final step to give the flat a finished and professional touch.