The Seventh Commandment “You Shall Not Steal”
The Seventh Commandment “You shall not steal.” This commandment teaches us to remember that all creation belongs first of all to God our Creator. He is the source of all life, both seen and unseen. It also teaches that God created the world for everyone’s benefit. We are all made stewards of His creation. Related to the Tenth Commandment Sins to be avoided: injustice, stealing, greed Virtues acquired: temperance, justice, stewardship, generosity, charity
The Seventh Commandment “You shall not steal.” We are to care for God’s creation and be good stewards of them. (CCC 2415) Legitimate use of animals so long as there is no abuse (CCC 2417-18) Economic injustices: communism vs capitalism Fair Labor and Just Wage (CCC 2428-36) World-wide solidarity (CCC 2437-42) The Works of Mercy (CCC 2443-44)
The Seventh Commandment “You shall not steal.” Other forms of stealing: Unfair wage Deliberate withholding of what rightly belongs to another Plagiarism and copyright infringement Profiteering and price-gouging Employment discrimination Slavery Vandalism and willful destruction of property Fraud and scamming
Works Cited Catholic Church. (1994). Catechism of the Catholic Church. Vatican: Libreria Editrice Vaticana. Hahn, S. (2003). Lord, have mercy: the healing power of confession. New York: Double Day. Klein, P. (2000). The Catholic source book: a comprehensive collection of information about the Catholic Church. Orlando: Brown-Roa. McBride, A. (1995). Father McBride’s teen catechism. Huntington,IN: Our Sunday Visitor. McBride, A. (2000). Father McBride’s college catechism. Huntington,IN: Our Sunday Visitor. Poust, M. (2008). The complete idiot’s guide to the Catholic catechism. New York: Alpha Books