Respec For Justice and Truth The 7 th, 8 th and 10 th Commandments Notes taken from text and leader of IJM Gary Haugen
Introduction We have been talking a lot about commandments of 6 and 9 which challenge our private morality, but it is equally important that we consider our public responsibility to the poor both around us and around the world. We have been talking a lot about commandments of 6 and 9 which challenge our private morality, but it is equally important that we consider our public responsibility to the poor both around us and around the world. To not do so would be to be unbalanced in our Christianity and to misrepresent Christ who cares just as much about the unjust treatment of people as he does for our private lives (ex. sexual morality) To not do so would be to be unbalanced in our Christianity and to misrepresent Christ who cares just as much about the unjust treatment of people as he does for our private lives (ex. sexual morality)
What is Justice? Hard to define, easier to define injustice Hard to define, easier to define injustice Injustice is the abuse of power to take away from others those things that God intended for them namely, their life, liberty, dignity & fruit of their love and labour. Injustice is the abuse of power to take away from others those things that God intended for them namely, their life, liberty, dignity & fruit of their love and labour.
Examples of Major Global Injustices in Our World Today 1. Sex trafficking 2. Bonded Slavery—over 27 million slaves today! 3. Sexual violence—mostly against women and children 4. Illegal detention 5. Police abuse 6. Coercive land siezures
God’s Thoughts on Injustice God HATES injustice and wants it to stop!! God HATES injustice and wants it to stop!! Because He loves the victims of the abuse Because He loves the victims of the abuse Is. 61:8 says “I the Lord love justice” Is. 61:8 says “I the Lord love justice”
The God of Justice: 3 points 1. God of Compassion 1. God understands injustice because this is what He experienced in Christ. Jesus wasn’t starved or diseased but tortured and killed 2. God of wrath or moral clarity 1. God is holy and burns with anger against injustice. 3. God of Rescue 1. God desires to rescue people suffering from injustice 2. This is the exciting part: His plan of rescue is you and me!
Our Responsibility While God is displeased with injustice, He is APPALLED that no one does anything about it. While God is displeased with injustice, He is APPALLED that no one does anything about it. Is. 59: 15, 16 says “The LORD looked and was… appalled that there was no one to intervene” Is. 59: 15, 16 says “The LORD looked and was… appalled that there was no one to intervene” “Evil reigns when good men do nothing” “Evil reigns when good men do nothing” What must we do? Practice just living within our society (social justice) What must we do? Practice just living within our society (social justice)
What is Social Justice? Social Justice applies the gospel message of Jesus Christ to the structures, systems, and laws of society… Social Justice applies the gospel message of Jesus Christ to the structures, systems, and laws of society… It holds that each person has right to a fair voice in the economic, political, and social institutions of society It holds that each person has right to a fair voice in the economic, political, and social institutions of society
How does Social Justice related to the 7 th and 9 th commandments? The 7 th commandment reads “You shall not steal” The 7 th commandment reads “You shall not steal” The 10 th reads “You shall not envy possessions” The 10 th reads “You shall not envy possessions” We can become so selfish that we take, take, take, leaving the poor with nothing We can become so selfish that we take, take, take, leaving the poor with nothing Consider this quote: Consider this quote: “Not to enable the poor to share in our goods is to steal from them and deprive them of life. The goods we possess are not ours, but theirs.” “Not to enable the poor to share in our goods is to steal from them and deprive them of life. The goods we possess are not ours, but theirs.”
Four key themes of social justice: 1. Profit cannot be the only norm and sole goal of economic activity 2. The economy exists to serve people; people do not exist to serve the economy—work is a good thing but is only a means to an end not an end in itself 3. Richer nations must work hard for intentional sharing of our material wealth with other poorer nations (solidarity) 4. We must imitate Jesus by having a special love for the poor. 1. First around us—less popular student, etc. 2. Then out of our circles—works of mercy in Regina, Africa
Sharing Time Pictures Refugees in Kampala Uganda where I lived… Pictures Refugees in Kampala Uganda where I lived… Letter I wrote to Gary Haugen after course I took in 2004 Letter I wrote to Gary Haugen after course I took in 2004 Website on IJM (international Justice Mission) Website on IJM (international Justice Mission) The Boys of Baraka Film The Boys of Baraka Film Apply 3 points on the God of Justice to this film Apply 3 points on the God of Justice to this film
The Boys of Baraka
Violations Against the 7 th Commandment: Don’t steal Keeping objects lent to us Keeping objects lent to us Paying unjust wages Paying unjust wages Shoddy work Shoddy work Expense account padding Expense account padding Waste, environmental degradation Waste, environmental degradation Willfully damaging public and private property Willfully damaging public and private property “Eating without giving thanks is stealing” “Eating without giving thanks is stealing” African saying African saying Discuss Case studies on p. 253 & 259 Discuss Case studies on p. 253 & 259
The Tenth Commandment: You shall not covet your Neigbour’s Goods 7 th commandment focuses on the external acts related to theft the 10 th commandment looks at the heart which is the root of theft, robbery, stealing, etc. 7 th commandment focuses on the external acts related to theft the 10 th commandment looks at the heart which is the root of theft, robbery, stealing, etc. Much like the sex commandments Much like the sex commandments Jesus’ comments on possessions on p. 261 Jesus’ comments on possessions on p. 261
Violations against the 8th Commandment: Don’t lie False witness and perjury False witness and perjury Failing to respect reputation of others. Rash judgment Failing to respect reputation of others. Rash judgment Detraction Detraction Encouraging others to do evil. Flattery Encouraging others to do evil. Flattery Boasting and bragging Boasting and bragging Irony Irony Lying—4 factors Lying—4 factors
Lying is a violation against the truth. It’s seriousness depends on four factors: 1. The nature of the truth that is distorted 2. The circumstances 3. The intentions of the one who lies 4. The harm suffered by the victims of the lie Ex. Hiding Jews during WW II Ex. Hiding Jews during WW II Being discreet means speaking the truth but not telling everything we know Being discreet means speaking the truth but not telling everything we know
Quote from John Vianney “If something unloving is said in your presence, either speak in favour of the absent, or withdraw, or, if possible, stop the conversation.” “If something unloving is said in your presence, either speak in favour of the absent, or withdraw, or, if possible, stop the conversation.” Part of being the Notre Dame Woman/Man is telling the truth Part of being the Notre Dame Woman/Man is telling the truth Exercise on pg. 265 Exercise on pg. 265 Movie clip from “The Legend of Beggar Vance” (Remember?) Movie clip from “The Legend of Beggar Vance” (Remember?)
Song clip Bonus assignment ex. One by Creed Choose one song that relates to themes of social justice or injustice. Choose one song that relates to themes of social justice or injustice. Print off the lyrics along with the artist and the name of the song. Print off the lyrics along with the artist and the name of the song. Answer the following questions: Answer the following questions: What theme of injustice does the song address? What theme of injustice does the song address? What does the artist say about it? What does the artist say about it? Does the artist give a solution? If so tell me what it is or if not suggest a possible answer to the named injustice. Does the artist give a solution? If so tell me what it is or if not suggest a possible answer to the named injustice. Due next Wed… Due next Wed…