Rules: Our Aim: to investigate why we have rules and look at what kind of rules are needed for people to live together. We will be successful: By being able to communicate well with others in my group. By creating a list of rules that I think are important.
Our Rules
Earth is going to be hit by an asteroid. The only place to survive the impact is in the desert. You have 24 hours to leave. What and who would you take with you? How would you Survive? How would you feel?
Survival in the desert
Survival in the desert. Would it be important for everyone to get on? What would be some of the problems you might meet? What rules might you need to make? What might it be like with no rules?
Moses Given the Ten Commandments. (Laws) Moses had to leave home. He led the people out of slavery to live in the desert There were thousands of people; so there had to be rules. God gave the Jewish people the Ten Commandments, because they were starting to misbehave. The commandments gave the people a code for living together in peace. Jewish people today still obey these commandments very closely Most of the world’s laws are based around these commandments.
What are the Ten Commandments? Our Aim: to understand the value of the Commandments to Christians We will be successful: By being able to explain what the Ten Commandments are By evaluating which one I think is the most important and being able to explain my opinion.
Where did the Ten Commandments come from? God gave Moses commandments for him to use to teach the people the laws of God. God wanted his people to live better lives and so gave them rules to follow. Moses taught the people God’s rules and how to obey them.
Ten Commandments... What are they?
Activity Read the ‘Belief and Society’ worksheet Find the Ten Commandments You may use words more than once but you must follow the lines when going from one circle to another. On your journey you will find a number which shows which commandment it is. Write the commandments in your jotter.
The 10 Commandments 1.Have no other gods 2.Do not make or worship any idols 3.Do not misuse the Lord’s name 4.Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy 5.Respect your parents 6.Do not murder 7.Do not commit adultery 8.Do not steal 9.Do not give false evidence 10.Do not envy
Respect your parents Do not envy Do not give false evidence Do not steal Do not commit adultery Do not murder
Which commandments do you think are still relevant today? I II III IV V VI VIII IX X Have no other gods Do not make or worship any idols Do not misuse the Lord’s name Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy Respect your parents Do not murder Do not commit adultery Do not steal Do not give false evidence Do not envy
Which commandment is the greatest? I II III IV V VI VIII IX X Have no other gods Do not make or worship any idols Do not misuse the Lord’s name Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy Respect your parents Do not murder Do not commit adultery Do not steal Do not give false evidence Do not envy
“ The laws of the 10 commandments are no longer needed.” Do you agree or disagree? Discussion Think: Write some of your own ideas into the space in your book Pair: Share some of your ideas with a partner, add any ideas into your book Share: What ideas do we have as a class
What did Jesus Say? The Greatest Commandment “Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?” Jesus replied: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: Love your neighbour as yourself” Matthew 22
The Greatest Commandment