Warm up Write the names of school supplies you have and those you do not have. Use your class notebook.
Students read on page 78 #1 On page 76, Students look on each frame of pictures and guess the focus of conversation. Play “ Mise en Train” Cd 3 Tr. 1-2 Review vocabulary on page 78, 79, 82. Do activity # 6 ( Have student plays it)
De bons conseils On page 79, practice with neighbor, telling him or her what you have. Ex. J’ai un cahier, J’ai un livre, … Ask students: Qui a un (e) … A student holding the object, respond: moi, j’ai un (e)…
Activity: Students the total price of the purchase in Euro, then in dollars for Mise en Train. On page 80 #7, # 8. On page 80 : note culturelle. Exit Ticket