PLAGIARISM By: Galileo Anaya, Emilio Gonzáles, Mauricio Ramírez
What Is Plagiarism? At UNC, plagiarism is defined as “the deliberate or reckless representation of another’s words, thoughts, or ideas as one’s own without attribution in connection with submission of academic work, whether graded or otherwise handouts/plagiarism/ handouts/plagiarism/
What is plagiarism? Galileo: I think plagiarism is to take someones work and use the way you like. Emilio: Is to copy someones work and make it yours. Mauricio: I think Plagiarism is a horrible way to steal someones creativity and effort.
Why Plagiarism is wrong? It is wrong because you are using the effort someone else did and make like if you did it and you are not making an effort to do it by yourself.
Tips to avoid Plagiarism Be original use your own ideas. If you want another ones work give him credit. Don´t be lazy and give you the time to think your own ideas. Avoid using the commands ctrl+c and ctrl+v.
We conclude that Plagiarism is bad because is a way to steal a person. The people who plagiarize are not creative and are lazy so they don´t want to work and only steal ideas of other people.